Chapter 2

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A/N: This chapter takes place in the past

"EEEK!", smol Oikawa squeaked out. Oikawa ran far away from the 'danger'. Oikawa ran so far, that he ran out of his own kingdom. He appeared in a forest that was filled with shade, but he did not stop there. Oikawa ran farther away from his kingdom, not knowing where he was going or paying attention because his eyes were filled with tears.

He then ran until he found some sort of ditch. Oikawa quickly hid in the ditch, the tall, thick grass camouflaging him.

Oikawa began wiping away his tears and shaking in fear. "Hello?", a voice called out. Oikawa had stopped shaking and realized where he was for the first time.

Once he realized where he was, he peeked through the tall grass and saw a person.

"Is anyone there?", the person called out once again. Oikawa hesitated at first but then decided to stay quiet. The person looked around once more until he saw 2 tiny almond coloured horns.

"Hello? Who are you, or what are you?", the person asked while looking towards Oikawa's direction. Oikawa hesitated once again but jumped up from the tall grass and ran over to the person, hugging him with tears falling from his face.

The person had a confused look on their face but decided to pat Oikawa's back in comfort before asking what was wrong.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying out here, alone?", the person asked in a worried tone. "I-I'm scarred of b-bugs", Oikawa hiccupped.

The person pushed Oikawa back, still having his hands on Oikawa's shoulders. "You're crying because you're scared of bugs?", the person almost laughed.

Oikawa quickly nodded his head, stopping when the person wiped away his tears. "Protect me!", Oikawa squealed out, totally not already in love or anything.

"We only just met. What's your name and what exactly....are you?", the person asked in a serious tone. Oikawa was surprised at the person's questions but respectfully answered them.

"I'm Oikawa Tōru, prince of my Kingdom, 6 years, and you are?", Oikawa politely answered.

"You were just a crybaby, not even a minute ago and all of a sudden you start talking like a mature adult", the person gave off a strange and confused look. Oikawa giggled, making the stranger blush.

"A-anyways, my name is *Fuzzy noises boiiiii* I'm also 6 years old", he said.

"Why do you have horns and red ruby eyes, I've never seen anybody have those colours nor have horns", the stranger asked. Oikawa stared blankly until he felt on top of his head, his horns.

"Ugh, my mommy did say that my horns were growing and it would be harder to hide them and my eyes but I didn't know that they were showing, so embarrassing! ", Oikawa hid his face, covering them with his hands.

"No no, they're....beautiful", he said, blanking out while staring at Oikawa's eyes and horns, along with other the rest of him. Oikawa began to blush at the person's comment. The person intertwined his fingers with Oikawa's fingers, lowering them away from Oikawa's face.

Once both of their hands were away from Oikawa's face, the person quickly realized what he was doing and let go, hiding his face from blushing so much.

Oikawa blushed, not caring if the person saw it. "A-anyways, what are you gonna do now?", the person asked, still hiding his face until the blushing dialed down.

Oikawa stood there, thinking thoroughly on what to do, nothing coming up. Oikawa shrugged sadly but yet happily in a way.

"Why is there a smile on your face? You're lost, remember?", the person said sarcastically, chuckling under his breath. Oikawa smiled a bigger smile than before.

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