Chapter 5

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~Iwaizumi's POV~

I walked into Oikawa's castle and it was huge. It was much more bigger than the castle my Kingdom has. I didn't know someone so small and babyish could even handle this castle and an entire Kingdom.

Once I took a few steps in and admired the view from the first room, I looked behind myself, looking at Oikawa who was still face first on the cement.

"Oi, Trashykawa! Get up, you don't want a guest wandering around aimlessly around your home, do you?", I said, watching Oikawa slowly pick himself up from the cement.

"So mean, Iwa-chan!", Oikawa whined. I sighed with a small chuckle and continued to walk forward.

"W-wait, Iwa-chan, let's stop here okay?", Oikawa stepped in front of me, forcing me to stop in my place. I pushed Oikawa aside, I know I shouldn't be overstepping boundaries but, these problems that he's facing will never be fixed if he keeps running away from them.

"Please, Iwa-chan! I-I'm too scared to go through these memories again after I'm really happy that you're here", Oikawa pleaded over and over for me to stop wandering around the castle, but I refuse.

"Oikawa, you can't just run away from your problems, you have to face them sooner or later and I'm here so I'll help you, you don't have to go through them yourself. Believe it or not I have some that I have carried with me for too long and I never told anyone about them. It's been killing me and I need to talk to someone. How about we both talk about our problems...together", I said, smiling and trying to comfort him with a pat on the back.

Damn, I'm so cheesy. Hopefully, what I said impacted him in a good way and maybe give him confidence to express himself.

Oikawa thought about it and later, nodded his head but shook a little. I started to head upstairs, glancing behind myself every few to check if Oikawa was still following me. I smiled that he was still there but felt worried within that second, noticing how scared he was.

It reminds me of someone that I once knew back then. I gave a small smile but with a sour look, clearly broken.

Oikawa noticed and grabbed my shoulder, giving us a sudden stop in the middle of the stairs. "You okay?", Oikawa asked, worried as ever.

"Y-yea, of course I am, don't worry about me, rather, worry about yourself", I said, not realizing how harshly I said that. I looked back and saw Oikawa look away with a hurtful smile, trying to keep everything positive while trying not to break down at that moment.

I felt terrible at that moment. How could I just get lost in my own thoughts and let my emotions take over. I sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, I was lost in my thoughts and thought of one of my problems that I have been dealing with. I didn't mean to be all sour towards you", I said with sincerity.

Oikawa looked towards me, "It's okay, If you need someone to take out your emotions, I'll be glad to be that someone", Oikawa said with a smile, clearly fake.

I turned to face towards him, my arms moving on there own, embracing him into a hug. Oikawa stumbled a little but quickly balanced himself again, surprised by my sudden action.

"Thank you", I mumbled into his shoulder. I haven't had anyone who was actually there for me since I was so small.

"Of course", Oikawa said happily, wrapping his arms around me also. We stood like that for a while until Oikawa broke our embrace.

"How about we go to a room instead of the stairs", Oikawa smiled. I was enchanted with this person. It's like he has gotten me into his grasp and I don't even try to get out. Can I say that, it's too soon, and I only love one person. Could, this be the person?

I don't know, I can't remember my lovers face nor name. Damn, if only I had something from this person; but, I feel like I've met Oikawa before, and I felt I have been really close to him.

I brushed away the thought and nodded to what Oikawa had said. I began to walk and saw a room with a bright white door, canceling out the red cream coloured ones. It was big, but not too big. I wonder what this room was.

I planted my hand on the door knob and began to twist, opening the door slowly. "Not this one, let's go to this one across, shall we!?", Oikawa struggling to keep his calm.

"Look, if you don't want to go to this door then this means that there must be something that you're struggling with, a problem that you can now face", I opened the door fully, and began to walk in until I saw something.

I stopped in my tracks, my calm, comforting expression dropping. I saw three things on a table.

A bottle of pills with a bunch of pills in a pile, a knife, and droplets of blood on the glass table.

I turned towards Oikawa. Oikawa having a terrified expression and tears forming, shaking in the process.

"P-please, don't tell me what you were p-planning to do", I said, shakily.

I'm sorry that I took so long to upload this chapter but I've decided that I don't want to mess with a schedule or worry about a deadline on Wattpad because I got school and my own personal life to deal with and balance so I'm sorry that I'm not making my stories my number 1 priority but I promise I will continue and hopefully fix this schedule issue but for now I guess I'll just upload a chapter when I have time.

Thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoyed this chapter although not much progress has been made so far.


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