Chapter 4

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~Oikawa's POV~

"A-anyways, why do you want me to not leave you so badly? Y'know there are many other people out there in the world that you could go meet instead of being cooped up in here in this deserted place", Iwaizumi said.

I flinched at his words, feeling the sour feeling behind my eyes again. I know this feeling too well and I hate it; more than myself.

I turned my back towards Iwaizumi and took a deep breath, trying to ridden this sour feeling before it took over, like it always did. Iwaizumi's question took a big toll on me in this moment. I wanna tell him why, I wanna tell him what has happened, I wanna tell him everything but, should I?

I began taking a few steps forward before stopping in my tracks, realizing that Iwaizumi wasn't following me. I turned my body half-way, along with my face, facing Iwaizumi.

I felt the sour feeling and then my eyes felt wet. My eyes felt tired, along with my body; my vision began blurry, knowing that tears were there. Even acknowledging that tears were there, I refused to let them fall.

"Are you coming?", I said with a small smile. Iwaizumi looked shocked and...hurt? Why was Iwaizumi, a stranger whom I had just met, or maybe this isn't the first time we've met. I have this strange familiar feeling with him but I don't know what it is.

Iwaizumi shook at my words and gave a confused look. My small smile began to disappear and I began walking away. Maybe he doesn't want to be near me anyways. Maybe he was just trying to be nice and this was where he was standing his ground.

Before I could think of something else, quick footsteps were being heard from behind and I heard Iwaizumi shout out a "WAIT UP!".

I turned quick in excitement. So quick that when I spun, I lost balance in my footing that I began to fall backwards. I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid to when the impact on the ground would arrive.

The feeling of the cool air against my body stopped and I slowly began to flicker my eyes open. Once my eyes were open, I saw Iwaizumi's face only inches from mine. I blushed and noticed the feeling of Iwaizumi's hands around my waist, restraining my body from getting in contact with the ground.

"Are you okay?", Iwaizumi asked in worry, not removing himself from me. I quickly nodded my head, flustered as ever. I heard a sigh of relief from Iwaizumi and a small chuckle from him. I looked into his eyes in confusion. What was he laughing at?

Iwaizumi began to pull me back onto my own two feet without any assistance and brushed himself off from the dirt that was in the air from his fast reaction to save me from the fall.

"T-thank you", I said anxiously. Iwaizumi looked to my direction and replied with a nod. "Alright, where are we going?", Iwaizumi asked, ruining the mood. Wait, mood? What mood? What is wrong with me?

"O-oh, that. I was planning on going to the castle if you didn't mind going", I said. Iwaizumi shook his head and started walking ahead.

"Where're you going?", I asked with a smile. Iwaizumi stopped in his tracks and turned towards me. "I have no clue", Iwaizumi replied back. I giggled and pointed in the opposite direction Iwaizumi was headed to.

I glanced to the side, towards Iwaizumi, him blushing like crazy. I smirked to myself. I noticed that my heart was beating loud and fast. I slowed my pace and gripped onto my clothes, near my heart on my chest.

What is this feeling? Was I feeling this before? Was this a side affect? Before I could give any thought nor answer to these questions, Iwaizumi knocked me out of my thoughts and brought me back to reality.

Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner ||Iwaoi||Where stories live. Discover now