Chapter 11

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~Oikawa's POV~

Before I began to speak, Iwaizumi stood next to me, aided by my side.

I looked at how nervous he was. I smiled softly and took a few deep breaths.

"Let us not resort to violence but, cooperate in a peace treaty. There is no reason for us to fight.", I said with a smile.

Everyone continued to be quiet until the King spoke up.

"Not until our job here is done", he said rudely

I kept my happy smile on and asked "May I ask what your job is here?".

"To end you, you monster", the King scoffed.

I quickly changed my expression to a sourful look.

"You will not harm my land. This land belongs to my people. I don't care what you do to me but, leave this Kingdom at once before I change my mind on letting you all off easy", I said  confidently.

The King looked up at me in disbelief. "Over our dead body", he said.

I chuckled. That chuckle turned to a maniacal laugh. Iwaizumi began to feel worried for me, but I was keeping my promise for my people.

"So be it", I said with a psychopathic smirk.

I didn't know what I was doing, but it seemed like I did. I wasn't in my right state of mind but, it sure felt good to be like this.

I held both of my hands in front of me, slowly pulling them both up.

A mob of black armored knights appeared from the ground, each with a black and tinted red scythe.

"Attack!", the King and I said in sync.

It was chaos. Knights were falling, whether it be them standing on their own or from their horses.

The King himself began running towards us at the castle. I ran out the balcony and began going down the stairs, Iwaizumi following far from behind

Once we both reached downstairs, Iwaizumi threw me his sword and the King and I began sword fighting each other.

I was prepared to take a life today, no matter the cost for my people and for Iwaizumi.

Nothing will happen to the people I care about the most ever again.

All of a sudden, the King striked me with his sword on my arm, causing me to fall back.

Iwaizumi began running towards my aid until he stopped in place, having a dead and plain look in his eyes like he lost control and being.

"Us magic users may have been announced as 'instinct' hundreds of years ago, but let's just say I was one of the few that was passed down as magic users", the King snickered.

"Knight Iwaizumi, finish your quest which you have been assigned in the first place", the King began to walk away while the other knights came to 'watch' on the sidelines with him.

Iwaizumi began to run towards me, throwing punches left to right.

I was dodging but had no time to take a hit. I couldn't fight him, how could I.

"Iwaizumi, snap out of it! It's me, Oikawa Toru!", I shouted, still dodging his attacks in the process.

Nothing changed. Iwaizumi's sword was gripped out of my hands into Iwaizumi's.

I started panicking. It felt as though we have been at this for hours even though it's been a few minutes.

Those few minutes ended once Iwaizumi's sword pierced through my stomach.

Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner ||Iwaoi||Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu