
750 32 16

Commenter: @mrsminecraft91

Today's Ship: Sparkant

Triggers: None

Style: Minecraft with some reality exceptions

Note: None


:::::::::: Jordan's POV ::::::::::

I linger through the musky, dark cave, torch in hand and iron pickaxe in the other. The hiss of a creeper crawled into my range of hearing from behind, in which resulted with my instincts kicking in and turning around in a ready stance. Although to my surprise, nothing waited. I stay in the position, as if the creeper would appear in front of me as it should've been there seconds before. To my waste of time, nothing happened so I just waited their like an idiot. I suspiciously turned back the direction I was originally heading slowly. With each step you could see the dust fly off the ground due to the contrast between my shoe and the stone.

Hours passed by and I was left with only the appearance of coal, iron, red stone and gold; the bright gleam of diamond didn't bother to show, sadly. Currently, I'm sneaking my way through the nooks of a lava pool, conveniently located at y: 18. As I dug around, the heat danced across me causing sweat to trickle down my forehead and palms. The uncontrollable wetness stuck to the stick of my pic, much to my discomfort considering it gave the wood an almost squish-able texture.

Despite my pickiness over the tool, I continued to search for the gleaming shards carefully. However, instead I caught yet another Minecraftian on the corresponding side of the large body of fire at least 40 some blocks away. He hadn't noticed my acquaintance, and I'm guessing by the looks of it he has the same goal as I do. I pretended not to notice him, but on the inside I had a secret determination to reach m- our goal before he does. I frantically placed a few cobblestone blocks to bridge over not to where he was but over to a different section.

Damn, this is the biggest lava pool I've ever seen now that I think about it...

To my frustration, no ores of importance were seen in the tiny circle of boiling hot red-goo. I exhale an annoyed huff and walk past my path of broken stone.

I dug yet again around the substance, but what does my exploration find? A cave system that's a lava pool away. Oh joy, because I obviously need THAT right now... -_- Just as I was about to turn around, a sparkle caught my eye from the once unappealing cave. Could it be? As I start to build over, but out of the corner of my eye I spot him again and by the look in his eyes, he knows what I'm going towards.

Oh Notch...

I bridge over faster, but he's right on my tail. The cave is only around 30 blocks away and decreasing. I swear, this was the most intense event without words being said EVER.

20 more... I glance over at my competitor, who just so happened to glance over at me just as I did to him. He had jet black hair as well as a goatee, eyes that look like the Milky Way and an amulet hung around his neck. In that few seconds of time we both froze, as if Notch was watching us as a TV series and said, "I need to take a shit," then paused us while he went to do his business. We didn't come back to reality until we both blinked in sync, then immediately brought our attention back to the bridge.

10 more blocks... Yup that is definitely a diamond hiding in the shadows. He was only 2 block short of me and coming at the same pace I was. As if on cue, a bat crashes into the side of my head. I yelped and slipped to the side, but thankfully caught my balance before the relentless pit of death could burn me alive. He had stopped in his tracks, a look of relief painted on his features. Why would he be relieved? Shouldn't he be disappointed? Instead of pondering on the thought, I built 5 more blocks over to the entrance of the cave. Instead of finishing the line across, I took a leap of faith and landed safely on the dry ground, dust cloaking me like I was a super hero. I began to sprint over to the rare ore, but he had just gotten in the cave too and was hot on my trail. Sharp intakes of breath filled the silence and it eventually became a full out race between us. He managed to tie us so we were side by side, but couldn't seal the deal of passing me. The diamonds got nearer and nearer every second. I ready'd my pick whilst running and prepared to strike the diamond to finish the case, but I wasn't the only smart enlighten to do that because he did too. The objective was at the end of the empty system and shined like a First-Place metal. We ran our last few steps before slamming our pickaxes in harmony against the shards. I guess neither of us thought this through, because as we did that we hit the wall with a loud rumble. It was enough to take my breath away and I fell backwards. I clinched my eyes closed, awaiting the jolt of pain my back was going to take but felt a softer impact. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal what had happened to see Ant lying below me in a way that together we looked like a multiplication symbol (( X not • )) I guess I didn't hear the thud marking his landing seconds before I fell...

"T-Thanks," I managed to speak out, a wave of nudges in my stomach prodding me.

"No problem," he winced. I observed his features from a closer angle, detecting he wore an uniquely patterned black, long sleeved shirt and matching pants that was outlined by sweat. After my more detailed observation, I realized we were just laying there in silence. Well this is awkward...

"I'm Taylor by the way, but my friends call me Ant," he greets, sitting up from his fallen position, probably trying to ease the tension in the room.

"Jordan," I respond, mimicking his actions by sitting up as well.

That was my first mistake.

I didn't realize that the change would make it so I was sitting in his lap. What a coincidence, huh? He started to blush, which I quickly reacted to sit by his side.

Don't act like you didn't like it, Jordan.

Who the fuck are you?



Shut up and listen to me, biatch. I know everything.

Dayummm someone's cranky.

Shut up I'm not the one staring.


Reality, hun...

With that, I snap my attention back to the real world. I didn't realize I was staring at Ant and he was looking away awkwardly blushing more.

"Sorry," I mumble, twiddling my thumbs.

Taylor quickly smiles and leans back next to the diamond. "How are we going to settle this?" he asks, pointing to the gleaming ore.

I shrug. "We could split it."

Ant nods in agreement. "Y'know..." he starts. "It'd be fun to mine again sometime. You're not half bad," he adds with a goofy grin.

I chuckle and do a super-man pose at the compliment. He bursts into laughter and in no time it becomes a giggle-fest.

"So, yes? No?" Ant asks after our joking around dialed down.

I waited for a second before replying, for dramatic affect, hehe, "Sure, why not?"


X3 I think I did good starting off this one shot book, yes? I wish I could make all my chapters this long, but I do all my writings from my phone because I don't have a laptop ;-; I really need one... Anywayyy be sure to comment what the next ship should be, Bon voyage!

~Republican Party

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