
493 14 7

Commenter: @JayArcticSorceress

Ship: GrellMU

Triggers: Creepy/Spooky, Paranormal activity, and feels

Style: Real life

Note: I never heard of this ship, let alone who 'Garett' is ((Is this CraftyGarett? Idk I sowwy)) so sorry if this ends up being super creepy, because based of my description of Garett Jay gave me he's almost like a creepy pasta in my understanding.


::::::::::: Garett's POV :::::::::::

A cold breeze crawled up my spine to no affect of shivering. The tree's enveloped around me were infested with the dry, cotton-like webs of spiders. Faint hisses were heard left and right, slowly eating at my sanity as my head snapped in every direction to the source of the sound.

"Stop," I demanded, trying to sound in control but to no avail due to the cracking of my voice at the end.

A witch-like cackle was my only vocal response, leaving my stomach tightening to the point of bursting from fear.

Multiple pairs of red eyes opened from their what I assume was closed state. In sync their gaze narrowed to my helpless body barely able to keep itself standing. You could practically feel the negative characteristics they were inwardly pointing out, like a burning sensation where each flaw is.

The judgmental orbs disappeared into the darkness to be followed by the walls closing in on me.


I screamed at the movement as if that would make it stop. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I yelled louder than I've ever yelled before, clutching my head in pure madness.

"Garett!" The faint, immediately detectable voice of Jason rung through the back of my head.

"J-Jason!" I cried, my knees giving out at the same time.

"Remember! It's not real!" he called, panic thick in every syllable and the quietness in his voice grew.


"What do you mean?!" I asked, my intakes of breath becoming faster and faster.

No response was given. I felt like I was going to pass out right there, but I didn't allow myself. 'It's not real?'

I take a second look at my surroundings; colorless grass, shielded by endlessly tall trees, forever midnight lighting, thin air, cold breeze, decreasing area of land. If it's not real, then what is it?

"It's you," a voice hisses behind me.

My direction is immediately pointed at a spider, its legs the height of me and it's body the size of a smart car.

"Miss me?" the familiar horror figure questioned, it's tone sickishly sweet.

Just the two words made me want to puke from disgust, it reminding me of all my other past experiences with her.

"Get the hell away from me," I commanded, each word laced with venom.

"What?" she asked innocently. "Are you still mad about that little incident?" she chuckled bitterly, pointing at the spider bite scarred just below my lip.

I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to block out everything the somewhat-living nightmare had to say.

"You can't run from me!" she raised her voice angrily.

"Fucking watch me," I growled, refusing to give her the satisfaction of taking over my sanity.

"YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO RU-" she screeched, but the words faded off as I drifted into deep thought.

"I'm on Earth," I mumbled, "Not in this hell. I'm with Jason, I'm with my family, I'm with my friends, I'm with reality."

I slowly opened my eyes yet again. In front of me was a worried Jason, his hair in all directions and his eyes puffy.

"I'm sorry, it happened again," I apologized, holding my secret crush close in a hug stifling a tear threatening to spill.

"Don't be," he sniffled, tightening his grip around me.

Jason placed the tip of his finger under my chin, lifting my head so that we were exactly eye-level before placing a soft, loving kiss on my forehead. "I won't let it happen again," he promised, a warm half-smile shining on his features.

"Thank you," I whispered, leaning my head against his chest.

He sighed contently. "Wanna know why I won't?"

"Why?" I asked, perking my head up to see him.

"Because I love you too much to let anything like that happen again," he answered, kissing me yet again, but this time on my lips.


Bad? .-. Sowwy, I tried; IDK THIS SHIP, MAN! or at least I don't think I do..? Hmph. This may or may not have made sense, but Ima hope it did :3 PEACEEEEE!

~Republican Party

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