Skylox: It Just Wasn't Right

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Commenter: (I think final) contest entry for @TheAbandonedAngel !

Ship: Skylox/Enderbrine

Triggers: Su cute ^-^

Style: Realistic Minecraft

Note: Sorry to all requests on hold, it's just the contest entry's have a due date xD


:::::::::::: Sky's POV ::::::::::::

The nerve wracking roar of the Ender Dragon screeched into the Nether with constant teleportation sound effects of Endermen following. I didn't have to be told twice to signal the alarm, for the moment we've all been expecting to come up sooner or later was happening; the collision of the End and Nether.

I should've known that my father's death would be the signal to their siege. Wither skeletons drew their bows, blazes rushed the endermen and ghasts screamed from afar, shooting bombs as frightful tears stained their cheeks.

Deep variants of purples and reds filled the blinding mist hovering over the surface, although it didn't come to our advantage much due to the tall creatures' height.

"Remember to not look into their eyes!" I ordered through my Fortress speaker's. I grit my teeth as a few of my skeletons failed to obey my orders, their bodies now fading into thin air pixel by pixel. The horror on their faces was the last of them, leaving the others to push back the grief to maintain strong and cold as stone.

The End drew nearer, barely any Endermen have been killed because of their fast reflexes. The Enderdragon and his son were right behind, watching with content at their troop's work. Worry built up inside me as I ran a hand through my hair. What do I do...

I clenched my eyes shut and teleported to the ghast district. "Stop aiming for the Endermen, try to get the leader and his son!" I commanded, teleporting out back to my throne window.

As expected, slow fire bombs flew towards the dragons, taking them by surprise. As result of five direct hits, the Enderdragon only flinched, but his son seemed to hiss in pain, earning a glare from his father.

I smiled faintly; my father would do the same thing to me. If only he were still here; maybe this wouldn't had happened, maybe I would've been taught so much more, maybe I could've been ready for all this responsibility...

I shook my head, hiding the itching pain behind a poker face. My troops were dying. Quickly. I was running out of time, and the thought made my heart beat faster with anxiety. In that one very second of defeat the shattering of glass screamed while a force pushed me back against the wall.

My squeezed shut eyes cautiously reopen to see none other than the Enderdragon himself pinning me with only one hand-well, claw.

"Enderlox," he said, his voice hoarse and eyes never leaving mine. His son I saw from the corner of my eye standing patiently. "Yes, father?"

The Enderdragon backed away from me slowly. "It's your fight," he declared. "Finish it." Fire and hatred burned in every word, causing me to shiver.

I quickly wielded my butter sword, it's enchants shining despite the somewhat dark room. I would send him a fighting glare, but my 'eyes' are just shining lights flashing at all times.

However, Enderlox didn't even seem to be fazed by the order. It was such an expression it was like he expected it... "Okay," he agreed slyly, taking a step closer to me. "I'll finish it..."

I instinctively tightened my grip on the sword, adrenaline coursing through me.

"...The right way!"

In one swift second I was wrapped in his wings, both our bodies pixelating into white. The last thing I heard was the defiant yell of the Enderdragon, sadness and anger mixed into his tone.


I woke up with a pound in my head. Whiteness filled the sky and fluffy clouds created a floor.

"Where... am I?" I asked to no one in particular.

"The Castle of Clouds," a calm voice responded from behind me.

I quickly spun around to see Enderlox, MP3 in hand. Hate gnawed from inside me. "Impossible!" I exclaimed. "The Castle of Clouds is a myth!"

Enderlox shrugged. "I don't know what to tell ya then, Skybrine."

"Why are we here?" I spat.

He raised an eyebrow, the same unsurprised expression from before there again. "So you wouldn't be dead" he stated, annoyance making it's way into his tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned further, venom laced into my voice. "Why wouldn't you want me dead?! We were born to hate each other for Notch's sake!"

He hesitated for a second, thinking of an answer himself. "It... It just wasn't right."


Damn I've never worked this hard on a one shot before X.x I hope I didz good <3

And if anyone is confused; no, they AREN'T dead. They teleported somewhere xD [Plot twist WitherMU comes and is all liek "da hell u doin in the Overworld"]

~Republican Party

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