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Commenter: @mrsminecraft91 ((Surprise, surprise :P))

Ship: TrueSparklez

Triggers: Really sweet ;-; May die from adorable-ness

Style: Real life

Note: I donz like this ship... I sowwy but I'll make it good for you, Stormy!


::::::::::: Jason's POV :::::::::::

Together Jordan and I lay on the soft patch of grass in the moonlight. The cool beginning-of-Fall breeze swept through the night sky effortlessly and the soft chirps of crickets echoed from below the hill we're on.

Jordan turns his head to look towards me, a warm half smile curved on his lips. I smile back, gazing into his crystal blue eyes that sparkled brighter than any star.

He exhaled a content sigh, sitting up. "Jason?" he questioned, turning his gaze back to the moon high above the clouds.

"Mhm?" I answer, mimicking his movements.

He takes my hand, intertwining our fingers and stands up. By the looks of it, he wanted me to stand too so I complied with his unspoken asking.

His grip on my hand tightened, and he exhaled a deep breath. Staring into my eyes, he got on one knee. I gasped, waves of happiness swimming through me.

"Jason Augustus Universe," he started. "Look at the stars, look at how they shine for you. You know I love you, so let's take a risk; a risk that'll stick us together in this mysterious world full of unexpected surprises. Will you take that risk, and marry me?" he asked, a golden ring held out inside a black leather box.

I cried tears of joy. "Yes!! Of course I will, Jordan!" I agree, jumping on him and enveloping him a right hug.

"I love you Jason," he mumbled into my shoulder, hugging me just as tightly as I am to him.

"I love you too, Jordan."


YAY MARRIAGE! So ya... this was short, but hey it was CUTE so DEAL WITH IT. Anyway, keep calm and read fanfiction BAIIIII!

~Republican Party

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