
375 18 11

Commenter: @mrsminecraft91

Ship: StormySolace (A Youtuber x Reader One Shot)

Triggers: No

Style: Real life

Note: This is my first Reader x Youtuber, and I was wondering if you guys want me to do this kind of thing mixed with the usual Youtuber x Youtuber... So comment if I should or shouldn't :/ Also, if you want one of these for yourself, comment who you want to be your 'lover' and (not required) ship name. Thank you!


:::::::::: Brice's POV ::::::::::

I tapped my pencil against the table, staring intently at the blank piece of paper. The sun's heat burned on my back, making me groan in annoyance. I gathered up my pencil and sketchbook in one hand and my coffee in the other. I left the park, the giddy yells of children becoming more and more vague as I got closer to the car.

When my Dodge Dart came into seeing range, I noticed another car pulling into the parking space next to it. I watched what appeared to be a girl step out of the drivers seat and onto the road when parked. She had a grin from ear to ear and talked to another girl getting out of the passengers seat. The one who was driving had long purple hair that reached her lower back, skin that was on the pale side, cheeks with a very faint tint of pink, eyelashes that almost fluttered when she blinked; she was so beautiful. What really got my heart melting was the swirling shades of purple that seemed to swim in her eyes along with the flakes of silver and gold that slowly moved with the purple's current. She wore a blue tank top, denim short shorts, and brown sandals. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

I approached my car, an indescribable emotion gnawing at me from the inside out. Being the clumsy person I am, I dropped my colored pencils when passing her. The collision's echo caught her attention, and she turned around to meet my gaze. I gave a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of my neck and apologizing.

"Here, let me help!" she offers, helping me pick the pencils up. "You draw?" she asks, seemingly intrigued by the way she questioned it.

"Heh, yeah... I'm self taught, and draw SpeedArts for my YouTube channel," I explain.

Her eyes glowed with amazement. "Wow, really?? What's your channel name?" she asked excitedly.


Her jaw dropped and she slowly turned to look at her friend who was awkwardly watching in the distance. The friend started flailing, not sure why, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

I raised an eyebrow, the simple expression asking her for me. "It's nothing," she giggled. "See ya around?"

I smiled and shook her hand. "See ya around."

Happily I walked the two feet it took to reach my car door. "YesssSSSSsssSsSsSSS!"

I started doing a stupid happy dance when all the sudden I had a feeling something was gone. I checked my pockets, which answered my question but lead to another;

Where'd my wallet go?


Good job, Storm. XD

~Republican Party

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