No Turning Back: SkyMU

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Commenter: @SerenityScheilke

// Also another Contest Entry for @TheAbandonedAngel //

Ship: SkyMU

Triggers: No

Style: Real life into the future


:::::::::: Jason's POV ::::::::::

"Okay, next up... Jason! C'mon up!" my second grade teacher announced from her desk. Today we were doing a 'Get to know your Class Mates' type of thing and I was first up.

Nervously I shuffled up front. I coughed awkwardly, refusing to make eye contact to the group around me. "I'm J-Jason..." I started. I looked over at my teacher and she smiled encouragingly at me. "I-I like to draw, and I want to be an astronaut," I said rather quickly.

"Thank you Jason," she said happily. "Next is Ian!"

I sighted in relief, and walked to my desk. Well, that is until I tripped over a foot waiting just for me.

Laughs erupted throughout the room and I felt my body go numb. The once perfectly clear waves of sound were now softened by a quiet screech in my head, much like the sound you'd imagine if you were going half-deaf. I felt a bead of sweat trickle down the side of my face.

You could say I have anxiety...

"Cla--! Q--et d-wn, t--t -s n- -ay t- tr-at a fe--o- -lass m-te!" I barely catch the jumble of words my teacher yells at the class. Even though the seriousness in her voice couldn't be mistaken, a few snickers still taunted me.

The tingling of my skin died down, not to the point of being normal again, but not as uncomfortable as it was before. Ms. Walsh, my teacher, sighed. "Jason... I'll talk to you after class. Take a seat," she instructed, to which I hurriedly listened.

All eyes were on me, the stares burning in my front and back. Shyly I looked down, twiddling my thumbs as I feel warm blood entering my cheeks.

In the back of the class I could hear faint whispers. "Psh, astronaut... As if."

The words felt like they were puncturing my skin, and I felt twenty times more self conscious. What's wrong with wanting to be an astronaut?

"Someone as clumsy as him could never be anything as good as that," another growled in a hushed tone.

I frowned and stared at the wooden desk, blocking out their conversation before it upset me more.

That's basically how class went by. The recess bell rung, just barely loud enough to snap me out of my blank thoughts. Everyone rushed out of the room to head to the playground without hesitance. I frowned, pushing in my chair and slowly walking up to Ms. Walsh's desk. "I'm sorry," I whispered, voice weak and eyes glued to the ground.

"Jason..." her voice sounded sad and understanding. "Just be careful?"

I nodded, still unable to look her in the eye.

"Okay," she said in such a way you could hear her frown. "Have fun at recess," she attempted to sound cheerful.

"Thank you," my hushed voice chocked out. I walked out the door, frown still evident on my features.

What I wasn't expecting was for someone to be waiting for me. "Hey!" they said, far too nicely to be true.

"Hey..?" I greet softly, internally panicking that this may just be my first 'real' bully.

"I'm Adam!" he grinned, holding a hand out for me to take.

"Jason..." I mumbled, just loud enough for him to catch and hesitantly shaking his hand.

"You're shy," he pointed out then pat my back. "But that's cool!" he giggled. I smiled slightly at that. This guy wasn't mean like everyone else. We started walking down the hall at a slow pace to recess.

"Not really," I objected lightly, looking up at him.

Adam held up both his hands in an 'I-know-I'm-Right-But-I-Won't-Push-It' manner.

"So you wanna be an astronaut?" he asked out of the blu.

It took a second to register in my mind before I answered, "U-Uh ya..."

Adam flung his arms in the air before exclaiming, "That's so cool!"

I chuckled dryly and shrugged. "I-I guess..."

Adam grew quiet for a minute, leaving silence around us. "Hey Jase?" he asked, a bit less energetic.


"C-Can I be an astronaut too?" he asked shyly, kicking the ground lightly.

I felt taken back by the question; I'm no one to give 'permission' as to what someone wants to do... "Well yeah! I mean, I-it's your choice if y-you want to or not..."

Adam smiled from ear to ear. "We could together! Imagine how much fun it'd be," he suggested, now back to his normal self.

With that we talked for ages of all we could do in the mysterious place known as space on our way and in recess. It wasn't until one particular moment that my heart soars at the remembrance itself...

"Oh! I got an idea!! Adam cheered, kicking his feet back and forth for momentum to go higher on the swing.


"We could go to the moon together!" his words rung so hopefully.

"That sounds awesome!" I exclaim, the oblivion that comes with my age kicking into high gear.

"But promise me one thing," I told him. He gave me a 'go on' look, and so I did. "No turning back?"

"No turning back."

(A/N: Dammit that wasn't supposed to sound like a Fault in Our Stars reference -,-)

~Flash back end~

"Jason??" Sky urged.

"W-What?" I asked, my brain back in function.

"You zoned out, bud. What's up?"

I smiled at the thought. "Just wondering how I ended up here in the first place~" I explained, making sure to put emphasis on 'wondering'.

Adam seemed to get it and smiled widely. "Well you're here now, and there's no turning back," he laughed, punching my arm playfully.

Before I could retort, a beep echoed through the ship along with a message: "Attention, attention. Please take your seat, the launching will commence in two minutes. I repeat two minutes."

Sky and I took our seats by each other, snapping the endless seat belts in place. A man came by and checked to make sure we were secure, before nodding in approval. "They're all set!" he told the crew just outside while walking out.

Adam turned to look at me, and took my hand all the sudden. I looked back, surprised. All he did was smile warmly at me, and squeezing my hand tighter.

"Blast off in 3...2..."

"No turning back..." was the last thing I said before the counter hit one.


Okay, I really hope I don't get killed for making a SkyMU for a contest for someone who ships Skylox *-* But it's cute... I think... ._. Hope you enjoyed, wish me luck ;P

~Republican Party

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