Bully Me : Chapter 28

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Chapter 28



'Lou...please wake up.' 

Harry shook Louis's cold body for the hundredth time as he lay on the sterile white bed. His arms curled on his side, trying to retain the warmth that his body had lost. 

The more he watched Louis's skin turn pale, his lips taking on a blue hue and the thumping of his heart barely audible within his chest, more panic rushed through his veins. He had tried everything to wake up the shorter boy, from spending hours rubbing his hands and feet to shedding his clothes and wrapping his own body around Louis's lifeless one. But there was no moment, no sign that Louis was still there. 

'Come on Shorty! Wake up! Please...' Harry whispered in his ears, hugging the boy as tightly as possible. The cold skin under his hand felt so dead almost ready to shrivel up. It scared him; it scared him to even think of what would happen if Lou didn't wake up. 

Horrifying images filled his mind, the crying faces of Louis's family, his sisters, the agony on Mark's face and most of all Lou's deathly pale face. It reminded of his childhood, of the fatal accident that had given him a first-hand experience of what it felt like to lose someone, to watch those lifeless faces and see no one inside, no soul peeking out of those eyes. His first brush with death had left an everlasting imprint on his brain and now those same memories were shifting forward, struggling to be let loose from the lock Harry had kept them under. 

'No...please no.' Harry shook his head trying to get rid of the darkness creeping behind his eyes. He wasn't ready for the agonizing few minutes down the memory lane...not now when Lou needed him. 

'Ugh..' someone groaned from besides him and Harry jumped up, his hand over the rapidly beating heart and his mind still plagued with the blurry flashes of his nightmare. 

Louis's eyelids fluttered open, the pale blue irises moving under them. For a second Harry sighed in relief, but the small smile vanished from his face as soon as it came. The eyes that had opened by a millimeter drooped back. Louis groaned for the second time and shifted on his side, slipping into the unconscious world again. The slight color that had painted his cheeks just a few moments ago, faded into the daunting pale complexion that Harry had started to hate now. 

'What the hell! Louis Tomlinson, you idiot! WAKE UP!' Harry yelled all his frustration and anxiety spilling out into his rage-filled voice. 

'Harry! Stop shouting! This is an infirmary not your home!' Cecilia whisper-shouted from the other side of the powder-blue curtain that surrounded Harry and Louis. Apparently she was treating another boy with similar condition as Louis. 

'Why isn't he waking up...Ce? Why is he so cold..' Harry muttered softly. His hand was still wrapped around Louis's bare stomach, rubbing them in small circles, while the left hand stroked his pale arm. He could no longer look at Louis's face without blaming himself for this situation. 

If only he had arrived a bit sooner, then maybe...maybe Louis wouldn't have suffered so much. If Harry hadn't been spending so much of his free time in the infirmary, because he wished to skip class then maybe he could have reached Louis on time. It was his fault...Louis's sickness was his fault. 

However there was a small part in his heart that was slightly happy, for a completely different reason. As he stared down at Louis's naked body, Harry couldn't help but feel the happy feeling grow inside him. Here he was, sitting next to the boy who he claimed to hate and appreciating the beauty in him. 

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