Bully Me : Chapter 22

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[Yes, I know I am going crazy and uploading almost every day. But I really can't help it >-< ! There are so many ideas in my head and so little time to finish this story. So you will be seeing a lot more chapters in the next few days ^^ enjoy !]

Chapter 22


'I...uh...uh.' Niall stammered. 

His brain felt sluggish and the words slurred. The arm wrapped around his waist hadn't loosened and his bare skin tingled with the pleasure of the touch. 

It was becoming hard to breath. The vital air seemed to be stuck in Niall's windpipe, making him sputter and gasp helplessly in the arms of this stranger. 

Dark brown pools of chocolate that sparkled in the morning light, reflected his own image at him. He could clearly see his flushed face and open mouth in it. Niall felt his body heat up even more, the sensations riding up and down his already burning skin. 

'Ahem.' someone coughed nearby. 

Niall saw annoyance flicker in those clear eyes and the gaze shifted towards the person who had dared to interrupt their moment. His breathing became a bit easier, now no longer a slave to that hypnotizing glare. 

Niall found himself wishing for more of that torturous gaze, more of that scalding hot touch which was still blistering his poor skin right now. He wanted to bath in those hot flames that where forever present around this guy. It was that dangerous trait, the bad boy appeal oozing out of this man, which made it almost impossible for Niall to ignore him. 

'Hello, Zayn.' Stan spoke his voice an octave higher then was normal. Niall didn't understand why he was still standing there, watching him in the arms of 'Zayn'. Couldn't he just disappear and let them be? 

Niall turned to stare at Stan as well. He was extremely aware of the compromising position they were in. His entire body weight was supported by Zayn's muscular arms and his head was still tilted downwards, as if still in the middle of the fall. 

He wasn't the type of guy to give much thought over chick flicks, but this particular position reminded him of the countless romantic scenes where the guy catches the girl as she succumbs to gravity. He suddenly felt like one of those damsels in distress, with his Prince Charming inches away from him. 

The Prince Charming part was acceptable but not the damsel in distress part. That was unappealing and embarrassing to say the least. 

Immediately, Niall jumped out of the warm embrace and took a few steps away from Zayn. His body screamed for him to cuddle back into those arms and sink into the heat for some more time, but Niall put a lid over his longing. There was no way he could give in to those feelings just yet. It was risky and terrifying. 

This was only their second meeting and the sparks flying between them had already begun to intensify. The pull towards Zayn was too strong and almost impossible to break free. However Niall stood his ground. 

Right now, he was walking on thin ice out here. Once he entered in to this relationship, there would be no going back, at least not for Niall. He had to be careful or suffer heartbreak because of his own mistake. 

There was no telling what Zayn was thinking, his face remained stoic even after Niall had pushed him away. If he felt something for Niall, he would have reacted right? Did that mean he had no interest in Niall? 

The mere idea of that possibility made him queasy and the cold fear bubbled in his stomach. Niall shivered involuntarily, his mind hung up on that horrible thought. What if he was the only one crushing over Zayn? 

'Niall? Are you alright?' Stan rushed towards him, his hand held out for Niall. 

'What?' Niall frowned. Why did Stan look so worried? What had happened? 

'You yo-ou looked like...you were about to cry... Ni.' Stan whispered, worry written all over his face. 

Since when did he become 'Ni' for Stan? That was a pet name only his mom used. 

Small bouts of anger replaced the sadness he had felt earlier. The usually calm Niall turned furious and snapped back at Stan. 

'I am fine!' 

'Are you sure?' another voice asked. It belonged to the ever sexy Zayn. 

'Ni' would sound so much better coming from his mouth, was Niall's first thought. He quickly shook his head and nodded. There were sure signs of worry on his face as well. Had Niall been wrong about Zayn's feelings? Was he really concerned about Niall crying? 

'Yeah, I am good.' 

A collective sigh of relief came from the boys and Niall couldn't stop the stupid grin from dancing on his lips. Zayn did care about him, he always had since the beginning. It was only the doubts in Niall's heart, the terror of becoming victim to yet another arrogant beast like Derek Stokes that had kept him from believing in the guy. 

'It’s getting pretty late, Ni. We should get going.' Stan shifted from one foot to other, his voice sharp and irritating at the same time. 

Something about Zayn's presence had put him on the edge. What was it about these guys that Niall had missed? 

He peeked from under his eyelashes, watching the boys having a glaring match, each of them trying to intimidate the other. It was all really stupid actually, but Niall didn't mind. He was getting to see a different side of Zayn here. A side that was definitely attracted to him. 

When Stan swore loudly, cursing under his breath for having lost to Zayn, Niall decided to break up the party. He had already known of the outcome. 

Geeky Stan was no match for the school bad boy - Zayn. 

'Guys? We really should get going…' 

Stan sighed and began to walk in the opposite direction. Niall followed behind him, but stopped a few minutes later. Zayn hadn't moved from his position, he stayed where he was, staring down at their retreating backs. 

Niall retraced his footsteps back to Zayn and entered his personal space. The boy remained silent and didn't respond to this act of treason. He was waiting for Niall to speak. 

Gulping in as much of fresh air as he could, Niall cleared his dry throat and rushed on with what was on his mind. 

'Doyouwannajoinus...for lunch?' 


Niall tried again, this time speaking slowly and remaining as calm as possible. 

'Do you wanna join us...for lunch?' 


Niall's heart began to beat wildly, his eyes glued to Zayn's lips, waiting for them to move and give him an answer. 




[That's all for now. More will be coming soon ^^ if you like this story please don't forget to vote and comment on it ^-^ ! - xxSMxx]

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