Bully Me : Chapter 33

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[This is seriously unbelievable, but...'Bully Me' has crossed 40K reads and 1000+ votes! Woohooo!! And its all thanks to you guys ^^!! I am really overwhelmed by the love and support you guys have shown this story! It really means a lot to me. Thanks >-< ! This chapter took some time to write since I was busy with other stories. In case you guys don't know, I have begun writing a new boyxboy story called 'Sexy Gay'. If you like mushy gay romances (lol!) you might want to drop by and take a look at it ^-^ ! Enjoy ! ]

Chapter 33


'Can we start over...become friends again?' 

Louis still couldn't believe the words he had heard, the pleading words that Harry Styles had said to him. What was he thinking? Did he even know what that meant? 

He wished he knew what Harry was planning this time. It was so unlike him to go out of his way to convince Louis, to beg him the way he did. There had to be some ulterior motive to his advances... there had to be or else Louis would have been lying on the ground beaten to a plump instead of standing alone in the school backyard while Harry had walked away. 

Yes, that idiot had dumped his request on Louis's head and had walked out on him after that. That in it-self had increased more of Louis's confusion and rising his suspicions to a whole new level. 

'And then, he went all jealous and possessive on me. He really thought there was something going on between you and me, Lou.' Niall was saying. 

He had been going on about what had happened after the infamous escapade Louis had pulled on him. The blonde was extremely upset about it of course, but from the way he was speaking so animatedly about Zayn and his so called flirty conversation with him, it made Louis think that the guy had in fact enjoyed Louis's absence. 

'Are you even listening to me, Lou?' 

Louis stopped in his tracks and turned around. In the few minutes that he had spent muddling over his thoughts, Niall had stopped talking and was now standing a few feet behind him. He was giving Louis an annoyed glare that said 'You better have some explanation for this'

He sighed. 

'I am sorry.' Lou whispered and retraced his steps back to where Niall stood, his arms wrapped over his chest and still glaring at him. 

The boy never lost his temper on Louis like this, but there was no helping it. Even Lou knew that his preoccupied mind had begun to irritate Niall and he wanted his friend back, the way he was before Harry Styles messed up his life. 

'What have you been hiding from me, Lou? What's on your mind?' Niall didn't shout or accuse him for being such a lousy friend, but the emptiness in his voice said it all. 

Louis would have happily taken the yelling over this aloof behavior that Niall was putting on in front of him. He didn't want their friendship to suffer because of what was going on between him and Harry. He needed to tell Niall about Harry. 

It had to be now, before it was too late. 

'Ni...' Louis whispered and placed his hand over the blonde's shoulder. Niall furrowed his eyebrows at him, wondering what had caused this sudden change in Lou. 


'I am sorry that I have been neglecting my only best friend, for so long. I am really sorry.' 

'It’s alright, but you do owe me an explanation, Lou. What is going on between you and Harry?' Niall asked and waited for Louis to answer. 

Louis sighed again, this time it was heavy and more pained, as if it physically hurt him to talk about that lad. But looking down at Niall's eyes he knew there was no way out for him. This time he had to tell him. 

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