Bully Me : Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 



"What the -?" 


Louis stared at the nightmare standing in front of him and wished to close his eyes again. But he couldn't. His mind was in shock, rendering him immobile and helpless. The guy standing in front of him, was not the Stan, Niall had talked about. No, this man was driven by a madness, which had no reason. 

There was a strange shine in his eyes that told him, Stan was slipping quickly. And if he didn't get out of his binds right now, Stan would continue to touch him. And worse, he would touch him in places that were forbidden, and only meant for a certain someone. 

"You aren't Niall...you aren't Niall! Where is my Niall?" Stan shouted to his side-kicks and Louis cringed at the sound. 

"Tell me!" he stormed towards Louis, and he quickly closed his eyes, not wanting to see what Stan had planned for me. 

"Where is he?" 

Fingers dug into his chin, pulled his face upwards and Louis yelled in pain. But he didn't bother to open his eyes. He didn't want to see the wild look, the gaze of a lunatic that was sure to cause him harm. 

"I don't know." Louis managed to whisper, when Stan held onto his chin and shook him roughly. 

"He is your friend isn't he? How could you not know?" Stan shouted again, caused Louis to struggle against the hand that had grabbed his face. But Stan was in no mood to let him go. He kept his hand clamped on Louis's chin and the other hand grabbed hold of Louis's hair, almost ripping it out of his scalp. Louis screamed. 

"Let me go! Please! I don't know where Niall is!" he cried. Louis couldn't think straight. His mind was running on fear and there was no way he could answer Stan in this state. Maybe even he knew that Louis wouldn't answer his question...yet. So he resorted to other means. 

"Maybe, this would help." he chuckled darkly and Louis felt a cold metal press against his throat. 

Instantly his body froze and his struggles to escape ceased to exist. His breathing became ragged and sobs fell from his lips, cursing his bad luck for being on the other end of the weapon - for being on the receiving end of Stan's anger. 

"Please... I don't know. I really don't know." Louis begged and choked, as Stan pressed the cold metal more into his skin. 

"Oops! Wrong answer." Stan giggled and lifted the metal from near Louis's neck. The boy was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he felt Stan move again. 

"How about you give me the right answer now?" Stan shouted and a stinging pain spread across Louis's naked stomach. 

"No!" he screamed, but it was futile. Nobody was going to hear his screams and no help would arrive until it was too late. They were all alone in this nightmare, in his nightmare - just Stan and him. Louis could feel the warm blood trickle down the gash across his abdomen, but he didn't dare to see it. 

He had always hated the sight of blood, and now was no different. Louis knew, if he took a peek at the wound, chances were he would puke his guts out there itself. And he couldn't allow that to happen. He had to stay strong, until help arrived...if it arrived. Louis leaned back into the chair, succumbing to the horrible burning sensation that was throbbing through the cut and spreading over his body. The ropes had made the skin on his wrists and ankles, sore and his tries to free himself were fast becoming useless. 

"Answer me, boy! Where is my Niall?" Stan spoke each word slowly. His voice held the promise of more punishment. But Louis's brain had stopped functioning and he couldn't remember much about the party. 

"I-I don't know...please, I am telling the truth. I don't know where Niall is!" Louis begged again. Even if he knew where Niall was, he would have never told Stan. That boy had already endured too much suffering; Louis doubted he could handle more. Niall hadn't given any explanation for his white scars after their first meeting and Louis had never asked him again. 

He had wondered, from time to time, why such an innocent boy would defile himself by self-harm? Louis didn't know. But he knew the boy must have had food reasons. He could only hope that Niall would consider him worthy enough to share it someday. Louis was secretly thankful that he didn't know Niall's whereabouts. If he did, then maybe this torture would have eventually got the answer out of him. But not now; not when he genuinely didn't know where the lad was. As far as he could see, Stan was making a big fool of himself. 

"Wrong answer again." Stan breathed down his neck and Louis tensed up for the next attack. He bit down hard on his lower lip, when he felt more pain erupt over the previous wound. 

That bastard had drawn the blade over the same cut, deepening it. 

"Please stop." Louis cried. The pain was becoming unbearable and for once he didn't feel brave enough to fight Stan. His heart was shouting for help, and calling onto Harry as his last resort. 

He felt helpless and small, and wanted to cower behind Harry's tall frame. Louis wanted to feel his strong arms wrap around his body, and hold him close, away from the demon – Stan. He wanted it to end, and to open his eyes to Harry's smiling face and his warmth. The urge to cry out loud, and to shout out Harry' name was so strong that Louis almost broke down completely. 

But he somehow held it together, closing his eyes to Stan's murderous gaze and imagining Harry had finally come to save him. He had arrived like his gallant protector, in the shining silver amour and sword that would cut off Stan's head and lay it on his feet as an offering. 

But of course none of those things happened. The pain was still very real and so were the tears streaming down his cheeks. The cuts kept coming, jerking his body with the force of it. Blood was spilt, just to inflict more pain. They weren't lethal like Louis had imagined them to he, but Stan wasn't making it any easier for him. The cuts though not deep, were bleeding him, and exhausting his body as Louis continued to be victimized. 

Louis believed he would get by, with whatever treatment Stan gave him until help came. But he was slowly losing the little hope; he had left in his heart. 

"You aren't answering my question, boy. Do you want more pain? Do you like it? If this continues..." Stan let the words hang in the air and Louis whimpered some more. 

The lunatic was planning to kill him, and there was nothing he could do about it, except buy some more time. 

"No! I won't die! I won't die to tonight and definitely not by your filthy hands." Louis made a big show of spitting at his feet and got punched in the guts. 


"You fool! How dare you!" Stan cried and slapped him hard across the face. Louis felt the skin over his lip break and blood dripped down from the corner of his mouth. Stan was strong, he could tell. 

"I will make sure, to make you suffer more when I kill you!" Stan laughed loudly, one cackling laughter after other. The guy had finally tipped over the edge. 


"Huh?" Stan stopped laughing and looked in the direction from where the voice had come. 

"It’s you who will be dying tonight!" the voice shouted again and Louis was filled with relief. The help had arrived. 

"I will make sure, to slice you up the way you did to Lou, and make it count!"


[ Only 2 more chapters to go before the end :) if you want to catch up with the SEQUEL please follow @XSLEEPINGFORESTX ! If you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment on it :) ! - xxSMxx]

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