Part Seven

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I pulled up to her house.

Nothing's changed.

Her car was still in her spot.

Her lawn was freshly mowed.

I walked up the front steps.

I gently knocked on the door.

Her mom answered.

That wasn't the same woman I knew.

It looked like she had her life sucked out of her.

She had mascara stains and was clutching a tissue.

"Drew. Please come in." She said.

We sat at their kitchen table.

"I'm a day late, but I brought her corsage." I said handing her the plastic container.

In it, was a blue and black ombre rose.

She went to the refrigerator.

"Here's your boutineer." She said handing me a plastic container with a navy blue rose.

"You can go to her room if you wish. I've been in there a few times. Just to pray." She said.

"Thank you." I responded.

I walked up the wooden stairs.

I slowly opened her door.

Her dog came running towards me.

His bed was in here.

His bed was never here.

I guess he misses her too.

He sat by my feet.

I scratched his ears.

"I know. I miss her too." I said.

I walked in.

Everything was the same.

Her unmade bed.

The pills spilled on her desk.

The noose.

The noose still on her ceiling fan.

I walked into her bathroom.

Blood stained the vainty.

A mixture of weed, cigarette smoke, and water vapor filled the air.

More pills were spilled on the vainty.

I opened the drawers.

Filled with makeup or vape pods.

I opened her bedside draw.

It was filled with different pills and cigarettes.

I opened her closet.

I saw my hoodie.

I shouldn't touch anything, but I can't help it.

I grab it.

I smell it.

It smells like her.

I hug it.

I walk over to her desk.

I wake her computer up.

On it, was a finished collage of us.

It was all our pictures in a heart.

I read the small notebook beside it.

Happy five years. Thank you for treating me like the princess Riley is. I don't deserve you.
Yours truly,
Ashley Josefina Martinez

I kneeled by her chair. I squeezed the hoodie.

I cried.

"I love you!" I screamed.

"You hear me? I love you! You're gone! Gone forever! Please just know I showed you more love than anyone in this world!" I cried.

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