Part Twenty Three

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"Hey mom." I said.

"Yes." She said.

"Do you think I'm overreacting by not trying to find someone?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Like it's been two months since Ashley left us. I haven't tried meeting anyone and I'm not going to college." I explained.

"Drew, honey," she said to me, "you're not. What happened is traumatizing. Granted you didn't see her hanging. But she was your first love. Her parents and I knew you were going to get married one day. I mean look at you two. Inseparable since the first time you guys meet. It's going to be impossible to get over her." She told me.

"So it's okay if I never find someone?" I asked.

"I mean at least try. But no one's pressuring you." She said.

"The thing is I try but they all remind me of her," I said, "I'll think they look like her or they talk like her. I don't know. Maybe I am crazy." I sighed.

"You're not crazy. Like I said, she was your first love. You never get over your first love." She said.

"I guess you're right. She's really hard to forget." I said.

"I know she is." My mom whispered.

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