Part Twenty Six

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I remember the first time I made her laugh until she cried.

We were at her house working on a project.

She was super stressed about it because it was our final.

"Come on Drew!" She yelled to me.

"Relax, Ash." I said.

"But it's our final!" She cried.

"You've been stressed about this since we started school." I said.

"Yeah because biology is the hardest class ever!" She exclaimed.

"Chill, Ash. We'll get it done." I said trying to calm her down.

She sighed a stressed sigh.

"It's literally just a diagram of the human brain." I said.

"That's half our final grade!" She yelled.

"Calm down, love." I said.

"We'll get this done. I promise." I added on.

She took a deep breath.

"Okay yeah you're right. I just need to take a deep breath." She said focusing on her breathing.

I sat her down and started making the title.

She joined in and we made the diagram.

We filled the empty space with facts about each part.

The last thing we did was color it.

"See Ash. It wasn't that hard." I said.

"Yeah you're right. I get really stressed sometimes. I'm sorry." She said.

"No need to apologize, beautiful." I said.

I started working on the title.

She came in and started drawing the diagram.

The last thing we did was color it.

"We did it!" I said picking her up.

"Wasn't that bad." She said.

"Told you." I said sticking my tongue out.

She laughed.

I looked at our poster.

I started lauging.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

I picked up the poster and shoved the part where it said "lobe" in her face.

"I LOBE you!" I exclaimed.

I don't know if we were stressed or tired but we started dying.

We thought we calmed down.

She looked at me and we started cracking up again.

I was holding her up from falling as we laughed.

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