Part Fourteen

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I needed to laugh.

After all the trauma I've been put through.

I scroll up to my last text conversation with Ashley.

Ashy 💍💝: What did the couch say to other couch?

Drew Boo 💍💞: Surprise me.

Ashy 💍💝: We're SOFA apart!! Get it? Get it?

Drew Boo 💍💞: Yeah I get it. It was terrible.

Ashy 💍💝: 😑😑 I'll tell you another one.

Drew Boo 💍💞: No that's okay. Go to bed.

Ashy 💍💝: Not going to bed until I get you to laugh.

Drew Boo 💍💞: School night all nighter?? And it's not even finals week??

Ashy 💍💝: Why did the old lady fall down the well??

Drew Boo 💍💞: Oh God.

Ashy 💍💝: Because she couldn't see well!!

Drew Boo 💍💞: Good lord.

Ashy 💍💝: Funny?

Drew Boo 💍💞: Not even close.

Ashy 💍💝: You suck.

Drew Boo 💍💞: :(

Ashy 💍💝: What do you call a group of musical whales??

Drew Boo 💍💞: Go to bed.

Ashy 💍💝: An Orca-stra!!

Drew Boo 💍💞: 😑😑

Ashy 💍💝: I don't know why you're so petty. My jokes are high 🐨🍵

Drew Boo 💍💞: Okay, now that I laughed at.

Ashy 💍💝: I googled that one ;)

Drew Boo 💍💞: You did that with most of them


Drew Boo 💍💞: Dear Lord you need sleep

Ashy 💍💝: I do. But I wanna keep talking to you :((

Drew Boo 💍💞: Same, Love. But I'll see you as soon as I go to bed.

Ashy 💍💝: How??

Drew Boo 💍💞: In my dreams, baby

Ashy 💍💝: I love you so much 💛

Drew Boo 💍💕: I love you more, baby. Sleep tight, angel 💓

As I read the conversation, I smiled and wiped away tears.

I miss this.

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