Silent Lovers...

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Ky's POV:
"Your arm ok?" I asked.

Emma nodded vigorously and shrugged.

We just got back from our mission, now were heading back to our boss to give him the two hunted victoms, were walking through a ling tunnel in order to fet there. The mission went something along the lines of,




The man grabbed a pocket knife and slashed Emma's arm.

"EMMA!" I yelled.

"I got this!" She yelled back.

She used her un-injured hand and grabbed the man's foot.

"G-GET OFF YOU CREEP!" He swifted his leg foward, sending the heel of his foot onto her face.

Without warning, Emma grabbed her axe and completely cut off his foot.


I went after the his partner who was stealing the money out of the safe.

I grabbed his leg from behind and twisted it, until he laid his knees on the ground.

I smashed his face on the floor, making him pass out.

"Your ok right, Emma?" I asked.

She smiled weakly.

First time in my life, she didnt do one of those, 'im- going-to-kill-you-soon-so-i- suggest-you-to-back-off' innocent-like smiles.

I grabbed my victom's hair and dragged him outside, along with his friends.


So right now, were heading back to my boss.

"...good job, Emma" i complianted.


Yep, she seemed desperate.

"Mhm, yeah"

She dropped the man with the cut-off foot and waved her hand in my face.

"Are you asking for a high-five?" I asked.

She nodded happily.

I really didnt want to give in but she seemed too happy to break.

What was she even happy about anyways?

I stopped aswell and gave her a soft touch and back away.

"Really? You call that a high-five?" She mocked.

"Yeah, i refuse to practically slap our hand together and pretend it didn't burn"


"Why are you so happy anyways? You almost died"

"Well same to you! Your head was bleeding out!"

"That happens everytime!"

"Then i feel like you should have died by now"


"Anyways, it was our first complete and succeses-ful mission with eachother! Were good at teamwork!"


"Ok?! Are you kidding me?!"

"No, i am not"

"Atleast be more grateful, if i weren't there, you would have been dead"

"Dead good, but i had to worry abot you the whole time"

"Awww, you worry about me? If soemone jealous with Sisco and i, or-"

"No, end of discussion"

She sighed dramatically and picked up the man again.

Emma's POV:
Geez, he's such a party-pooper, i mean, c'mon! Lighten up, pal!

I sighed and we carried.

Half-way walking through the long, rusty old tunnel, we heard feet splashing and cries.

I could sense it coming behind us.

Once the sound nearly past us, i grabbed the man's collar, just at the last second.


I stopped mid-sentence.

Why was he doing here?

"Zac, why are you here?" Asked Ky, as he walked towards him.

I shrugged and let go of him.

"I embarressed myself....i shouldn't have said he thinks im weird! He's probably mocking me right now!"


What the heck his talking about out?!

"I think you've gone nuts to be honest.." admitted.

"No...Akira hates me now!"


What? What has gone into him?

" he sick or something?" I asked, Ky.

"No..i dont think so...its probably love, its sickening, no wonder he's crying"

"Well i find that offending..." i muttered.

"If this is about Akira, you got it wrong. He's just happy-go-lucky, he doesn't seem like a person to hold grudges or bully someone"

Yeah, he got a point.

Akira most certainly doesn't seem like the person to.


" quit acting like a baby and be man"

He nodded and he sniffed.

Blondie got up using his wobbly feet.

"Your right...ill go back to him!"

With that, he ran past me and he disappeared out of our view.

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