Chapter 21. Brother..? Bother!

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Ky's POV:
    "How do you-"

"Here, i'll show you" he laughed, grabbing the heart i made. 

I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my neck.

He looked at it for a few moments before his face lit up again, as if a light bulb popped above him.

He practically jumped up when he figured it out, making a shifting noise when his feet met the ground.

"Im going to get something real quick!" He asured, running to the back room.

The steam cleared, so thats nice.

But it's really amazing how many machines are in this place.

So many things working at the same time, at the same pace....if i had OCD, i would have enjoyed this beyond belief.

We were working on hearts on top of a wooden table, with who knows how much tools are placed on it. Everything but a hammer that is...he's probably getting that.

I looked at his heart, which he set aside to fix mine.

Neat? Check

Order? Check

Beautiful? Truly a check...

I looked around the room once more and wiped sweat off my forehead.

Sure the steam cleared but it's HOT AS F*CK IN HERE.

I smiled, gazing around my surroundings.

So many things, yet he kept it

"Back~!" He cheered, carrying a rench in his hand.

He sat down besides me once more and ordered me to watch him.

I watched as he perfectly hammered down a nail in the middle of the heart and placed a spinner around it.

While we working silently, his voice suddenly popped up.

He looked up to me and settled his goggles on his head.

"Hey know the saying keep your friends close but your enemies closer?" He asked, painting a light smile on his face.

I nodded slowly, having no idea-

"Well i think the saying should be, 'keep your friends close but your brother closer'

I squinted my eyes at him.

What? That literally makes no sense.

Keep your brother closer, tch...that would have been a livi-

"What do you think...little bro?" He asked nudging me arm.

...the f*ck is this?

I think he gone mad or somehing because he clearly makes no sense.

"Stop joking..." i muttered, snatching the hammer away from him.

He smiled once more and laughed.

"Im not! I swear! I am your brother! You just don't see that..oh wait, of course you don't!" He grinned, sitting straight.

I stopped hammering and glared at him.

"Or you saying im f*cken blind?!" I screamed.

He slightly flinched but somehow managed to calm down.

He stopped looking at me and frowned.

Im guessing i took it to far...

" just simply didn't inherit it" he growled slightly, looking up to continue his almost finished heart.

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