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Kaedin's POV:
    "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Screamed the Qween of Hearts, leaning towards Yuki.

She shrugged and looked away.

"Now" she said. "What brings you here, brother?"

"Brought you a gift. Cut his head off if you want.." giggled a green haired man.

He snapped his fingers, and as if on cue, a group of buff man came in.

"What is it now?" Asked the Qween. 

We were in a large room, of course filled with hearts like what she wished for. Men dressed in poker cards were all lined up against the walls as she walked forward.

Me and the rest watched nearby, sweatdropping every second.

As the victom became clear to us....WHAT THE F*CK HAPPENED TO HIM!?

"Meet, Ky" he grinned, yanking him by the arm.

The buff man dressed in a baby costumes backed off.

On point if you ask me...


"SHUT, YOUR, MOUTH!" she screamed.

Yuki too her time to let out a quick glare before the Qween would notice.

" this?" She asked, inching closer to him.

"Im a human being, are you blind?" He sneered.

The green haired man slapped him and made him drop to his knees.

"Hmph! How about this..." she grinned.

"Oh no..." Smiley slowly muttered out, looking down. I fiddled my thumbs and bit my bottem lip.


"Let's play a game, Ky....i'll grab one of my finest hunters...and you get to choose out of your...possy.."

Ok, what?

Towards the end, her tone sounded like we were rotten apples or something.

She took a step back as she made a crooked point towards up.

With that, she snapped fingers and three men followed her.

"Choose wisely!" She cheered.


Ky looked at us dully. His choices are me, Dagan, Wes, Melissa, Ravenna, Yuki...

He looked at us one by one...but stared at Wes for quite a time...and i giess thats where Wes freaked out.

He mouthed out, 'me?'

Ky didn't ajswer, but looked back at where the Qween of Hearts have vanished and we all waited in silence.

I mean, i feel like his hair is permanently...really, really light blue now.

I took a quick glance at Yuki and...

"THERE. IS. NO. CELL. SERVICE, DUMBA**!" I screamed.

"THEN WHY AM I PI- oh wait no...NO, NO, NO! MY PHONE'S ON TWO PERCENT!" She screamed, hopping around as if she needed to take a waterfall full of piss.

She closed her phone and shoved it in her pocket.

I rolled my eyes and waited as well since everything became settled again.


"Now....i need your chosen player to kill mine...or mine kill yours....if you win, your freed...and if i win, off with your head, got it?" She sneered.

Ky nodded slowly.

"Wes...i choose you" he muttered, looking at him.

Qween of Hearts chosen a player with leather armor. But much of his skin is showing aswell.

No basically, he was hairy....brown fur....yeti! Only covered in sh*t!

From the faintest noise, i heard Smiley gulp as he stepped up.

Yeah, he might seem like a psychopath and all..but he actually never hurt someone in his LIFE.

What the f*ck are they thinking..

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