3. You ain't touching my face

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Thanks for everyone who voted, and thanks for the reads too. Yay :3 Now back to the story. Oh and also: I am a Supernatural fan, and a "bit" obsessed. So there will be references. You might not get them, but hey, I'm still saying. ;)

Alajéa POV

When we stepped in, there was some people in the room already. There were both girls and boys. One of the girls looked at us and at our new human acquaintances, and gave them a bitchface before she spoke. "Did you attack these poor guys? Like a whole group? You two watch too much series." I tilted my head and looked at them confused. What?

"What, no." Said Lilith with wide eyes, innocent look. Then she rolled her eyes. "Okay, maybe we did, but they kill anybody, sooo..." She laughed awkwardly. "Well yeah. They are from a different world. Fantasy stuff."

"Did they drag you?" Asked the same girl as before, not even paying attention to Lilith. Lilith pouted in the background. Nobody answered the girl, because we thought that she was joking. But she seemed completely serious. The look in her eyes gave us the message, that they did something like that before. I knew that they are a bit crazy.

"Actually...No." Said Miiko. "We are...really from a different world." The girl had a judging look, and Miiko noticed that. "I'm not lying. Look." Miiko took a breath, then showed them some blue fire.

"Oh my Jesus!!" Exclaimed one of the boys in surprise. The others also seemed to surprise, most of them had wide eyes. Humans can be impressed so easily. So am I. I like those. I mean them. Yeah.

"That thing...it wasn't a trick, right?" Asked the blonde girl, who didn't believe us earlier.

"I wish I could say it was." Started Lilith. "If it would have been a trick, she might have been a trickster. But no, that was real. 100% real."


*and here is the magical rainbow unicorn time skip to 1 and a half hour later*

We explained everything to the humans, who needed a bit of time, to process all the new information. So we gave time to them. After they understood everything, they all introduced themselves. The girl who assumed that Lilly and Lilith kidnapped us- what I still find weird- spoke first. She clapped her hands once to get attention.

"Okay, my name is Leah. I guess I'll wear the jumper which has my name on it, so you'll remember more easily." Lilly poked her shoulder, and Leah looked at her. "Yeah? What?"

"You're wearing it right now."

"Oh. Sorry." Leah brushed her blonde hair to her shoulder, revealing the back of her jumper, which really had her name on it. "Here" It was time for the other people to speak, so the black haired boy next to Leah introduced too.

"Name's Warren." Original kind of introduction. Weird. But aren't all humans are? And he was wayyy too close to Leah, which I think means they're dating. The other humans in the room introduced themselves as well. Their names were: Ryan, Cristopher, Rose, Crystal and Diana. When they finished introducing, Miiko suddenly spoke.

"Where is Jamon?"

"We don't keep Egyptian gods in this room." Said Lilly. No one really paid attention to her, because only Lilith and Leah seemed to understand what did she say, and they're just rolled their eyes.

"Crap." Said Ashkore. Leiftan smirked, and removed his jacket from a pile, which wasn't really a pile, but Jamon. It was Ashkore's time to bitchface his brother.

"C'mon bro. Not funny. Seriously. The guy could scare the hell outta these humans. Which would be pretty funny, but then one of us would be kicked out, and of course it can't be the hot guy. You know girls."

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