8. Team ups

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(Still) Ashkore's POV
I got Leiftan into a duo, and from now on we'll annoy people together. We might get Chrome into this one too. The old team. Just without Lance, he's kinda "dead". Faking his death and chilling on a beach in Eldarya, probably. Or an abandoned island. But that's enough of Lance.

Ooor, maybe not. I think I've got some explaining to do about him and me. As you know, according to the game we're supposed to be the same person. But our life is a bit different from the game. You know, we never had a human, which you call 'Guardianne' or 'Erika'.
Anyways, back to Lance. Me and Leiftan hid in the forest near the HQ, since our species aren't really accepted. Leiftan was improving better at hiding the features of his species, so he got undercover in HQ, becoming Miiko's right hand slowly. Until then, I made a suit, THE suit, and created a fake enemy for Leiftan, which he could never catch. Of course we only had tactical meetings at those times. But that was rare. I had plenty of time to spare, so I usually explored the forest, for anything usable. Or just simply food, really. I met Lance during one of these explorations. I was a little bit different back then, so that's probably the reason why I helped him. He needed to hide, so I let him borrow my suit sometimes, I didn't think it would be a problem. And I think you can guess what happened after that. We all wanted revenge, so we took revenge. It wasn't us who broke the crystal though, as far I'm convinced. But enough of the old past, you probably want to hear about Nevra and Ezarel.

While we were looking for these two, we met Gina, and she told us that she was following them too, but she lost them around a cafateria. She suggested us to look around that area, since they probably couldn't get that far. We soon found them outside the cinema, and yes, I know about it, since I have a personal tutor for human things. When I noticed them, I elbowed Leiftan and we grinned at each other as we approached them. Unfortunately I forgot that I'm not in my Ashkore suit.

"What are you doing in here, just you two?" Asked Leiftan, wiggling his eyebrows, and Ezarel jumped from our sudden appearance.

"Leiftan, you scared me. And we aren't doing anything."

"It looks like a date to me." I said, and Ezarel rolled his eyes, but he didn't saw Nevra blush lightly. Oh my god he didn't know.

"Who are you? Leiftan who's your friend?" Asked Ezarel confused. "He looks pretty boyish like you."


"Oh, it's Ashkore, isn't it? He looks different, but he has the same attitude. And how am I a vampire?"

"No, not a vampire and fucking elf, but vampire fucking and elf." Nevra already got it, and he blushed even more, but I think it was from embarrasment and anger.

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