11. He did what?!

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Chrome's POV

I was walking home, thinking about all the sausages I could eat.
Hmm, sausage. I love sausage. Humans have a lot of that. A lot. I need to get tons of that delicious meat. Suddenly, a hand on my shoulder disrupted me from the toughts of my beautiful sausage. I groaned quietly, then slowed my walking speed.

"Whaaaaat?" I asked, turning to my side a bit, and I saw Leiftan there. "By the way, hi."

"Hello, and don't be so annoyed, I have some important and interesting news."

"Really?" Asked I while raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, but we have to talk about it somewhere more private, this should stay between us." He said, looking around if there's anyone we know, and nodded to himself. "The place is clear, so we can talk here. I should keep it short, we can't know how much time do we have."

"Just say it, don't keep it in or otherwise we'll never get anywhere."

"Alright, don't rush me."

"You said it was important, so don't wait with telling me. You know, anyone can randomly walk here and..."

"Right, I get it. So. I was coming home from school, and I saw Miiko and Ashkore. It was weird that they were talking, but I didn't care much of it, so I started to walk to the direction they were at, so I could talk to them too. When I got nearer, I heard that they were talking, and I didn't want to interrupt them, you know. So I listened to their converstation, since it was already suspicious, even before I got there. At the time I heard them, Ashkore was talking to Miiko about peace. In Eldarya. He was offering his peace and friendship to Miiko. He basically just became a traitor to me. To us!"

"Calm down. Maybe you just missunderstood something."

"I didn't! He offered himself as an ally!"

"He did what now?!"

"He traited us, what's not to get?"

"It's just hard to belive that it would be him to do that. He was the most evil from the three of us. But he could've lied to Miiko, you know."

"It's possible, but we can't just ask him about it. He can lie to us the same way he can lie to Miiko."

"What are we going to do then?"

"Hmm..." Leiftan started to think, deep in tought. In a few minutes, I saw a spark of idea in his green eyes. "Maybe we should tell him that we're planning to take over Eldarya."

"Isn't that a bit too much?"

"Yes, it is, however, he can't do this if he wasn't lying to Miiko. If he agrees to take our world over, then he's probably with us. If he refuses, or sais that it is something we shouldn't do, or anything like that..."

"Then he is a traitor?"

"Exactly." He looked a little bit sad behind his anger, but I completely understood him. It was his brother, after all. And if Ashkore really was a traitor, then he probably will need to hurt him. He can't want that. And I'm sure he doesn't. Well, if he'll have to, it's for a higher purpose, isn't it? "Chrome, we need to plan this further." Said he, his gaze staring only at one point. I nodded, giving him time to collect his thoughts, and to talk. My patience only lasted for a few minutes, my curiousity won again.

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