Kidnapped || The Aftermath

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Two months

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Two months. Two months since that night you were kidnapped. It doesn't feel like two months. Not to you, Theo, not even your friends who helped save you. Your back has healed and scarred but sometimes, you could swear it was still burning like your first night in the hospital. You couldn't see the scar, lucky for you, but you know it's there and that's enough for you to make sure your back is covered at all times. Scott tried to make you feel better about it while you were in the hospital. He said that it would be your reminder that you don't have to have supernatural powers to be a hero. Had you not risked texting your friends, you and Theo would have been killed and those hunters would have found the pack eventually. It helped a little.

All of your friends were actually really great while you were in the hospital. They visited you and there was never a time you were alone, not that you gave any of them much choice. You found being alone difficult. Scary. They knew that without you ever having to say it. Of course, the werewolves could smell the fear on you but Lydia, Stiles, Mason, they all knew without asking.

But, then there was Theo. The first night, he went to Deaton after you were admitted into the hospital. He was more than reluctant but Scott and Liam convinced him he'd be no help to you if he didn't let Deaton check the burn that was already scarring. When he came back, he was glued to the seat in your room. He barely slept. Instead, he kept his ears focused on your breathing and got the nurse every time just before you woke up, knowing you were going to be in pain when your breathing would become pitched. He made it his own personal mission to make sure nothing else happened to you.

However, when the next day came around, you couldn't help but look at him differently. You knew the story because he told you the story and you knew that those hunters would have come after Scott's pack and you probably would have been hurt or killed anyway but a tiny part of you, just enough of you, blamed Theo and he knew it. He could smell it on you, your heart rate was different around him. So, after your first few days in the hospital, Theo left you in the care of your friends, decided you were better off without him for awhile and you hated yourself for it but you agreed.

Now, you're standing in Stiles and Lydia's spare room, your bags packed by your feet. You didn't feel safe going home when the hospital had first released you even though Theo and Liam put an extra four locks on your door after getting the okay from your landlord. You figured the safest place would be at a human's house featuring a banshee.

"Ready?" Stiles asks, leaning against his doorframe.

You jumped with the sudden question. "Uh, yeah." You face him and catch your breath as your heart beats against your chest.

Stiles eyes you and rests his head against the wooden frame. "You know, I hate him, but your apartment is probably your safest bet now. Chimera, deadbolt locks, even got motion sensor nightlights now." His mouth tugs into a soft smirk with the mention of the nightlights.

"I know." You nod, forcing a smile.

Stiles sighs at his failed attempt to lighten your mood. "Look, y/n," Stiles starts as he walks into the room, picking your bag up from the floor. "it's okay to be freaked out. That shit they made you do, what they did to you," His brows furrow as his lips are pursed, his face contorted with disdain. "it's fucked up. But, it's okay to be freaked out and scared. Did you know right after The Wild Hunt I'd have panic attacks if the wind started picking up? Or after I got possessed, I'd start having anxiety with random things. Ya know, reading, sleeping, uh entering certain rooms even. Some shit, it fucks you up but," He licks his bottom lip and places a soft hand on your shoulder, a gesture three months prior you would have brushed off with an eye roll. "the only way to keep going, let yourself freak out, panic, scream or whatever over these things because it's okay."

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