Chapter 9: Awake

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TW slight nsfw

Ever since the day that Seokjin's manager revealed his true colours around him, Namjoon had been taking it upon himself to try and get Seokjin out and away from him as much as possible. Whether it was taking him out with a few other friends or asking Yoongi to pick the model up and drop him off to him, he was trying his best to get him away while being secretive. It would drive him crazy to know that Seokjin was with such a controlling and cruel boss. On the days they couldn't hang out, he would constantly text Seokjin during his breaks, and at night when he was in bed. He refused to sleep until he knew his lover had fallen asleep. Even after that, his eyes would refuse to close due to the invading thoughts of somehow losing Seokjin, or someone harming his dear love.

Tonight was, luckily, not one of those nights for Namjoon. After his lover feel asleep, the exhaustion from the past few days had caught up to him. He feel asleep only 5 minutes after setting his phone down for the night.

The thing is...Seokjin himself wasn't doing so well.

So close...he's so close! If I could just-

Cameras and microphones appeared in front of me suddenly, crowding all around. I can't see Namjoon at all, and questions are being thrown at me left and right. I tried pushing them all away, trying to find Namjoon again. I opened my mouth to call out to him, before a hand covered my mouth. Everyone had disappeared. Besides me, the person behind me, and...Namjoon, who had his back turned to me. I was so happy to see him, so I tried to call his name and run to him. But when I tried to move, I discovered that I was being held back by chains, which were being pulled. I looked behind me, and...I saw Mr.Hyun. His hand had left my mouth, but he gripped the chains that restrained me in his palms. I started to shake and tear up as I looked forward again. I discovered that my other friends had joined Namjoon too. I saw Yoongi and Jiminie! They can help me, right? I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. I tried again and again, but no sound was released. I looked back at my manager in a pleading way, ready to beg for him to let me go. The reporters were there again, and even the workers in the company. They all screamed at me...then it went quiet. I heard a whisper next to my ear; my own voice.

"You'll never be able to spread your wings like them."

Seokjin woke up in a cold sweat. Tears were rolling down his cheeks like a waterfall, and he was shaking harder than he ever has before. He turned his body slowly before reaching his shaky arm over to turn on the lamp on his nightstand. After pulling the cord and lighting his room a bit, he sat up and positioned his back against the headrest. Tears continued to fall as he chocked on his loud sobs. His gaze went back to his nightstand, specifically fixated on his phone. He reached for it, turning it on to check the time. 5:48 A.M.

Still shaking slightly, he typed in his password and went to his contacts. He immediately clicked on "Joonie" with a little heart beside the name and a cute picture of him for the contact photo. His finger hovered over the call button.

"You'll never be able to spread your wings like them."

He stopped himself before he clicked the call button after hearing those sickening words echo in his head. Tears fell onto his phone as he stared at the screen. He wanted to call, he wanted to call so bad. He needed to hear Namjoon's voice to know that he was going to be okay. But those words, those evil words kept repeating in his mind and making him quiver even more. Nothing could get the voices in his head to stop...

He shut his phone off and put it back down.

"Namjoon? Hey, Joonie...Namjoon!!" Jimin snapped his fingers in front of Namjoon's face, making the older male flinch and turn towards him.

"Ah, sorry Jimin..." Trailed off the photographer.

Jimin sighed and offered his friend a sympathetic smile. The two were sat at a table together during Jimin's break. Namjoon, who had no work that day, thought being with his friend would take his mind off of things.

"You're thinking about Jin, huh?"

His gaze shifted down. "Yes.", he muttered out to his friend.

"I told you, Joonie. We may not be able to do anything about it just yet, but we'll definitely figure this out somehow. I'll make sure that it works out so that you can both be together and keep your jobs...and so that Jin is always safe, even in his workplace!" Jimin ranted on, making Namjoon smile. He knew he could count on Jimin to always pick him up when he's feeling down.

"I know, I know." Namjoon hummed as he looked back up at his smiling friend. "You're right, Jimin. I won't let it bother me. Now, what were you saying again?"

Jimin chuckled. "Jungkook texted me last night and said that he would be coming down to visit us next week, him and his friend Taehyung I thought we could all get together and hang out again, like the old days!"

Namjoon nodded and leaned back in his chair. "I was thinking that too, but won't kookie's friend feel left out? You, Jungkook and I have been friends for a long time, but neither of us have met his friend...besides the occasional skype calls where he's present."

"We could invite the others!" Jimin exclaimed happily. "Like Yoongi and Jin! It would be funny to see the look on kookie's face when we bring a famous model and star basketball player to hang out!"

Namjoon smirked. "So, like a triple date?"

"Yeah- wait, Yoongi and I aren't a thing!" Jimin stuttered. His face was extremely red...the same shade of red his hair was once dyed. He sent a soft pout to his laughing friend, sticking his tongue out. He crossed his arms and let out a small huff before grinning. "You have to admit, it's a good idea though!"

"What about our dance prodigy?" Questioned Namjoon, and Jimin gasped.

"Ah, I haven't seen Hobi in ages! Good idea Joonie! We'll all go together than." Jimin smiled.

The conversation carried out until a call came from one of the workers, signaling that Jimin had to get back to work. After agreeing to talk more after Jimin was done working over call, the two said their goodbyes as Namjoon left the small Café.

Namjoon spent the rest of his day texting Seokjin on his breaks and just chilling at home. He had told all of his friends about the plan, first texting Seokjin, then Hoseok, then Jungkook. He asked Seokjin to ask Yoongi, and of course Jimin already knew of the plan. Everyone was excited to hang out and meet each other, especially Namjoon himself. Boy, was he ready to show off his drop-dead gorgeous boyfriend to all his friends. He laughed at the thought himself, but he couldn't deny that he was proud of that.

So, the plans were the next weekend for everyone to meet up! But, it almost seems like something will go wrong...


A/N: Short chapter, but at least I'm finally releasing content. This fic is lowkey cute so I'm reviving her lol. Next chapter soon and yes it will be MUCH longer than this one, promise!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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