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I chuckled to myself as the Easter Bunny's voice rang through the warren. He screamed so loud, that even in Burgess I could sense his anger.

Not that he had anything to be angry about, of course. As far as I could see, it was a beautiful spring day. The weather was crisp and cool, and the tops of the trees gleamed with freshly fallen snow. I mean, come on! What's not to love?

I glanced towards the street, where Jamie Bennett and his friends were making their way to the Easter Egg Hunt in the park. Jamie spotted me, perched up in the tree, and ran ahead, holding his little sister Sophie's hand. I jumped up from the tree and landed right before him.

"Jack!" said Jamie and his sister as they hugged me in delight. I felt warm inside, which was unusual. It reminded me that the children could see me, and they actually liked me and enjoyed what I did. I felt good as I hugged them back.

"Hey," I said, waving to Jamie's friends, as they all circled around me. "You guys going to the Easter Egg Hunt?"

"Yeah!" said Claude, excited. "It's going to be AWESOME!"

Sophie clapped her hands in glee. "Egg, egg!"

"I bet I'M going to find the most eggs!" said Pippa.

"Not if I can help it!" Cupcake threw a snowball at her, laughing, as they all ran towards the park. "See ya later, Jack!"

I smiled as I watched them. Only Jamie and Sophie remained behind. "Um, Jack?" said Jamie, nervously.

"Yeah, Jamie?" I asked, as I tapped him on the nose, making little snowflakes appear. He watched in wonder for a moment, then shook his head and asked, "Did you make it snow today?"

I laughed. "Of course I did! Who else would, the Easter Bunny?"

Jamie didn't laugh. He just looked at me with big, sad eyes and said, "But Jack, it's the Egg Hunt today. How are we going to find any eggs in all this snow?"

I was taken aback. "Don't you like it? I did it for you and your friends. I've given you a snow day!"

Jamie shooked his head, and turned around. "Not today, Jack." he mumbled as he walked away, while Sophie waved goodbye.

Confused and hurt, I watced as they walked to the park. As I was about the jump back up, a very strong figure pushed me and pinned me to the tree.

"Wha-" I opened my mouth to speak, but Bunnymund growled. "Don't you say another word." He clicked his fingers, and two large Yetis appeared out of nowhere, and stuffed me in a sack.

"Hey!" I yelled, thumping against the walls of the sack. "Let me out!"

I stopped, listening to the Yetis. Clearly they were in no mood to let me free yet. Suddenly I felt my insides clench. As I flew through the air and hit the floor, I knew that I had just flown through a portal, and that I was at the North Pole, in North's workshop. What had I done now?

I picked up my staff and slowly climbed out of the sack. Whispers were floating around me. As I raised myself to full height, I saw Father Christmas glaring at me, arms folded, while the Sandman and the Tooth Fairy glanced at me nervously from his side.

"Hey, North!" I said, happily, trying to diffuse the tension in the room. I mean, it all seemed too depressing for my taste. "Tooth, Sandy!" I raised my arm to high-five the Sandman. But the image of the Yetis beating me up above his head made me think twice.

What was happening? First, Jamie not liking the snow day I had created for him, and now, all the Guardians mad at me for some reason. Was Pitch back? Was he trying to mess with me?

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