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"This is it." I said, as I took a deep breath and closed my paint box. As much as I loved painting, you can really get sick of something after doing it every day, and I've been painting for as long as I can remember. "This is a very big day, Pascal. I'm finally going to do it! I'm going to ask her!"

My pet chameleon seemed excited too. He jumped up on my arm and crawled up my neck, as we heard Mother call from outside.

"Rapunzel! Let down your hair!"

I gasped. I couldn't believe it. After waiting for seven years, I was finally going to ask her! I took deep breaths to calm myself down. "It's time!" I whispered excitedly to Pascal.

He motioned for me to be brave. "I know, I know," I whispered. "Come on, don't let her see you!" I pulled back the curtains so that he could hide, and quickly covered him up.

"Rapunzel?" called Mother. "I'm not getting any younger down here!"

"Coming, Mother!" I stood on the window ledge and let down my hair so that it flowed to the foot of the tower, where she stood. She placed a foot at the loop and I pulled her up.

"Hi!" I sang, happily. "Welcome home, Mother!"

"Rapunzel," said Mother. "How you manage to do that every single day, without fail! It looks absolutely exhausting, darling."

"Oh," I laughed nervously. "It's nothing."

"Then I don't know why it takes so long!" she chuckled. "Oh, darling, I'm just teasing."

"Alright," I said, anxious to get on with it. "So, Mother, as you know, tomorrow is a very big day-"

"Rapunzel, look in that mirror," interrupted Mother, as she pulled me towards the mirror where she stood. "You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. Oh, look, you're here too!" She laughed. "I'm just teasing, stop taking everything so seriously!"

"Okay," I said. I was starting to get annoyed now. "So, Mother, as I was saying, tomorrow is a-"

"Rapunzel, Mother's feeling a bit run down," she interrupted again. "Would you sing for me, dear? Then we'll talk."

"Oh," I said. Eager to keep her in good spirits, I rushed to get a chair for her. "Of course, Mother!"

I placed a stool before her, sat down and handed her a brush. I sang as quickly as I could, "Flower-gleam-and-glow, let-your-power-shine, make-the-clock-reverse, bring-back-what-once-was-mine, heal-what-has-been-hurt, change-the-Fates-design, save-what-has-been-lost, bring-back-what-once-was-mine."

"Wait! Wait," she said. I knew I was going too fast, but I just wanted to get it over with. "Rapunzel!"

"So, Mother, remember earlier today I was saying that tomorrow's a pretty big day, and you didn't really respond? So, I'm just gonna tell you, it's my birthday!" I giggled. "Ta-da!"

"No, no, no," Mother shook her head. "It can't be. I distinctly remember, your birthday was last year."

"That's the funny thing about birthdays, they're kind of an annual thing!" I sighed. "Mother, I'm turning 18, and I wanted to ask," I took a deep breath. "What I really want for this birthday," I said, as I added under my breath, "What I've wanted for quite a few birthdays now-"

"Okay, Rapunzel, please, stop with the mumbling," she said sternly. "You know how I feel about the mumbling, blah blah blah, it's very annoying. I'm just teasing, you're adorable, I love you so much, darling." She stood up and started walking away.

I gasped. I was really hurt now. I glanced towards Pascal, hiding behind the curtains, and he encouraged me to say it. "I wanna go to Hogwarts!"

"What?" asked Mother, suspiciously.

"Well, I was hoping you would let me go to Hogwarts this year." I pulled back the curtain, to reveal the painting of the Hogwarts Castle that I'd painted seven years ago, when Albus Dumbledore, a teacher at Hogwarts, first visited me and told me about it, the first, and only other time, Mother forbade me from going. I dreamt of the school since then, and painted it as the grand castle I'd imagined it to be, a big old building with grey stone walls and high towers.

"Oh." she smirked, as she picked up a fruit from the fruit bowl. "You mean the Correction Center."

"No!" I said, excited. "The letter said Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. They even told me about the books I'd need, robes-Mother, I know I belong there. I know it's where I'm meant to be! I have to go there."

"You want to go to outside?" Mother smiled at me sweetly, before slamming the window shut. "I don't think so. Rapunzel, YOU ARE NEVER LEAVING THIS TOWER, EVER!" she screamed.

There was a long silence. My eyes filled with tears. I blinked them away, then smiled at her as though I understood. "Yes, Mother. Can I have new paints instead? The ones made of white shells, that you bought me once?"

"Well, that is a very long trip, Rapunzel," she replied, annoyed. "Almost three weeks' time! I can't leave you here alone for three weeks!"

"I just thought it was a better idea than Ho- the Correction Center." I said softly. "And we have enough bean cans here to last us both a year, Mother."

She looked like I had asked her to jump off the tower. I looked at the floor, downcast.

She sighed. "Are you sure you'll be alright here on your own?"

"I know I'm safe as long as I'm here." I hugged her.


"I'll be back in three weeks time," she kissed my forehead. "I love you very much, dear."

I lowered her from the tower and waved as she disappeared in the distance.

Mother had forgotten to wish me this morning. I was slightly miffed, because it was the second time she'd forgotten about my birthday. I was also annoyed that she had made such a big deal about Hogwarts. I'm sure there's a spell to make people like her nicer, but unfortunately I would only learn it if I studied magic.

After she was gone, I sat and thought about it for a really long time. Pascal climbed on my shoulder, and sat there as he watched me think. I thought about Mother, how much she loved me and how angry she was about Hogwarts. What was it about this school that made me want to go there so bad? I thought and thought about it.

Finally, I stood up. "Pascal, we're going to Hogwarts!"

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