The Sorting Ceremony

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Okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it. Hogwarts is definitely the best place I've ever been in.

The castle was bigger than the DunBroch Castle. In fact, it was the size of three DunBroch Castles. And that's not including the school grounds, which I guess will be pretty big too.

The ceiling was. . .well, it didn't look like there was a ceiling. It looked like the stars were shining down on us. There was a ceiling obviously, or else the contents of the rooms above would come crashing down on us. Then again, this is a magic castle, so I really don't know.

The student body whispered and pointed at us, and the other first-years ooohed and aaahed. I felt like I was on display at a zoo. These kids are pathetic.

I hadn't arrived by train, like the others. When I had written to Hogwarts, to inform them I was joining, Professor McGonagall said that I was welcome to bring Angus, if I wanted to. I chose to ride here, because I can't see myself sitting in some mince train all day, twiddling me thumbs.

I didn't tell Mother I was coming here. Neither did Dad, I suppose, because when I woke up the next day after our big fight, she was all, "Merida! I hope you have thought about your disgraceful behaviour last night," and I was all, "Of course I have, Mother" , "I truly apologize, Mother" , "Yes, I understand, Mother. I promise I'll behave like a real princess now."

And after a month, I simply got on my horse and rode off.

I giggled as I imagined Mother's face when she realized I was gone. She'd probably do something radge, like offer the triplets for marriage instead of me.

The suitors would be returning home with half their moustaches missing.

The Great Hall in Hogwarts certainly was big. As we walked through, I saw four long tables, two on either side of us, where the Hogwarts students were seated. In front of the hall was another long table were I guess the Hogwarts teachers were sitting. The teachers were so diverse, that they might as well have been sideshow freaks.

"Look, Frosty," I whispered, poking Jack Frost in the sleeve. I pointed to one of the teachers, a tiny man with a white beard, who was smiling widely at everyone. Jack snorted in derision, and pointed to another teacher, who had longish black hair and no expression at all. He looked like a giant bat who found the teachers' table by mistake. I rolled my eyes.

Jack Frost was the first student I'd met. (Yes, I'm talking about THE Jack Frost, the winter spirit.) We both waited for the others at Hogsmeade station. I found it strange that Jack Frost was attending school, since he was one of the most powerful spirits in the world. He admitted that he didn't know what he was doing there himself.

Frosty's cool. I hope that we're both sorted in the same house.

In front of the teachers' table stood a small brown wooden stool, on which sat a pointed black hat. It was the ugliest hat I've ever seen. Who would want something like that on display in front of the entire school?

Then, to my astonishment, the hat started singing.

Maybe the hat was hired as entertainment for the first night. Did Hogwarts hire enchanted hats to sing at every occasion? I could imagine it. Pumpkin hats for Halloween and Santa hats for Christmas. Best school ever!

Frost was just as appalled by the hat as I was. "Maybe we have to try it on to get sorted." he whispered.

"You mean the people who look the best in that stupid hat will get sorted into the best house?"

"If that's the case, then you don't stand a chance." he replied. I punched him in the arm, and McGonagall glared at us.

The hat finished its song, and everyone cheered. I expected the it to jump up and surf the crowd, but it just sat there, as lifeless as before.

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