The Hogwarts Express

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I couldn't sleep.

Which wasn't very surprising. I've been having sleepless nights since The Incident, which was 13 years ago.

And tonight was no different.

There were plenty of reasons for my insomnia:

1) I was cursed, sorry, born with ice powers: I can control snow and ice (except that I can't).

2) These so-called ice powers resulted in me striking my beautiful baby sister Anna on the head and nearly killing her (yes. I nearly killed my own sister, i.e The Incident).

3) After The Incident, I isolated myself from Anna (and everyone else) because I couldn't risk hurting her again.

4) My parents (the King and Queen of the mighty kingdom of Arendelle) went on voyage 3 years ago and um, didn't come back (cue waterworks).

5) Yesterday was my coronation as Queen of said kingdom. It was a wonderful night overall, and I got a chance to showcase my talents by performing some lovely ice magic, which included a) freezing part of the ballroom, b) freezing an entire castle fountain, c) freezing the castle stairs and d) freezing the fjord in Arendelle, too, on abandoning my kingdom.

6) I just lost it on a girl I met because she was talking about the weather (for bonus points).

Yay me!

God, I missed the castle. I can't remember a night I wasn't in my room, staring at the same four walls over and over. And I know it sounds weird, but I kind of missed Anna too. The only thing that gave me the strenght to continue living like that was hearing her voice outside my door, proof that she was alive and safe.

Was it foolish to leave the castle on a whim to come to a magic school so far away? Maybe. Maybe just as foolish as marrying someone you just met.

And who's to know that if/when I return to Arendelle, the people will accept me? Anna already thinks I'm a monster. She's probable waltzing in the ballroom with Hans right now, talking about me being a traitor as well.

I have to reach her.

So I spent all night writing a letter to her that I hoped would explain things. Early in the morning I went downstairs and asked Tom if I could borrow his owl.

He pointed to Richard, an old barn owl that could barely stand up straight. I had my doubts over whether the owl would make it to Arendelle, so I said no, thank you, and walked up to Eeylops.

Eeylops was open, even though most of the stores on Diagon Alley were closed. Maybe it's because they wanted to close earlier as they have to let the owls out to hunt at night? I don't know. The store attendant was all bows and smiles. I was wearing a new pair of gloves I had bought yesterday and none of the owl hysterics of last night.

I've always thought snowy owls were pretty, so I left the store with a beautiful female. When I got back to my room, I gave her the letter and whispered, "Castle of Arendelle."

It was a joy watching her fly. I named her Gerda, after a fairy tale I'd read when I was little. It would be an understatement to say that I was anxious, because I was downright terrified of what Anna would say in reply. I waited in my room all day for Gerda to get back.


On September first, with half an hour to eleven, Rapunzel and I were standing between Platform 9 and Platform 10 at King's Cross Station. The station was packed with people, and I was wearing my gloves, of course, so it was okay. She was explaining how to get to Platform 9 and 3/4.

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