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"Look, there they go," someone said.

I turned around and spotted another tiny window, out to the arena. I scrambled over and stood up on my toes, gripping the bars. I could barely see, but I wouldn't miss watching Tristam fight. I hadn't missed a single round with him in it, and I wasn't about to miss this one.

There he was, being roughly escorted out. Once he was visible by the spectators, the crowd went wild. Tristam didn't look at them; he just stared blankly ahead, just like he always did.

Odden was pushed out as well, and he was terrified. He kept glancing over his shoulder, as if he'd find his friend behind him. He'd never fought by himself before. Their moves worked well together, but not separate.

"Winner moves on," the announcer declared. "And the final winner, the ultimate champion, will be released."

This was new. Instantly, I watched Tristam perk up. His shoulders tensed and I bit my lip in nervousness. He always moved in a relaxed way, a smooth and graceful dance. If he missed his step with that hammer, his skull would be crushed in.

I glanced at Braken through the side window, and saw he was reaching as high as he could, but he wasn't tall enough to see. He was signing something, the same thing over and over, as if he was mumbling to himself.

I quickly turned my attention back to the arena. Odden was as excited about this new piece of information as Tristam was, hoping from foot to foot. The soldiers rushed out of the arena, and the announcer called for the round to begin.

Without wasting any time, Odden transformed himself, his giant hammer solidifying in his hands. "I'm sorry, Tristam," he said. "I have to get back to my family."

"Funny. I don't intend on losing." Tristam lept backward, dodging the hammer as it swung toward him with incredible force. He sent back a burst of flame and darted around his opponent, always staying one step ahead.

Watching him fight was amazing, as I had noticed many times before. Now, however, it was far less exciting, especially since I knew I'd be out there soon. I found my tight grip was turning my knuckles white.

"What's going on? I can't see!" another Unnatural shouted as the crowd let out a roar. The hammer crashed to the ground close to my window and sent dirt showering over me.

Tristam shouted something, but the crowd was too loud. Their screaming and thunderous applause drowned out everything else. It hurt my ears. I had always wanted to see a game in person, but not from this angle. Not if it meant I was most surely going to die soon.

My arms hurt, so I dropped back to the ground to rest them for a moment. Something clanged, like metal on metal, and I glanced over to see Braken banging on the bars, staring at me. "What?" I asked, more snappy than I'd intended.

He signed something.

"I don't understand that," I said.

He sighed loudly through his nose and jabbed his finger toward the fight. I could see his lips trying to form words, but his voice didn't come out. He tried again when I shrugged, and pointed even harder.

"What's happening?" I asked, and he nodded vigorously.

I turned back to the window and hoisted myself up again. Tristam had switched from defensive to offensive, and was trying to get close enough to finish the round. I knew how he finished them - with a flaming punch that sent the opponent flying. Their body burned, but usually, the impact of the inhuman hit killed them first. It was his way of showing he had a little humanity left in him.

"Tristam's winning," I said, stretching the truth a bit. In all honestly, it looked like he could very well lose. Odden was another finalist. He was strong, even without his counterpart.

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