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I'd only made it two steps inside before Leo tackled me from behind. I fell hard, cutting my chin open on the hard floor, and tried to fight back, but his hand slammed against my neck, and I let out a silent scream. It burned. He was burning me. 

"Le-Leo - Leo, stop -" I gasped out, cringing and trying to twist away from him. 

"Come back with me to Howell and I'll stop," he hissed. 

I had no choice but to agree, so I nodded and he pulled me up to my feet. My neck felt like it was boiling. I knew I was lucky Leo hadn't caught my shirt or my hair on fire. That would have hurt a lot worse. I tried to focus on that, but Leo gave me a shove and the thoughts scattered. 

Somehow, I had to get Braken and escape this place. Anna was here, too, though I wasn't sure where. I hoped she was okay. She'd somehow gotten away after getting shot. Maybe she could heal herself. 

I glanced at Leo when he gave me another shove, and then stood up straighter. I came back because of my own free will. I was not Leo's prisoner.

I noticed that he had fresh bruises and a few cuts across his face. His limp was slightly better, though still heavy. I could easily out run him. His jacket sleeves were rolled up to his elbows - and his elbows were scraped raw and bleeding. My eyes flickered to his wrists, where the scars and scabs were painfully visible. There were a few fresh cuts, too, and I winced when I saw them. 

Leo caught me staring and scowled. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you feel sorry for me."

"Oh." I dropped my eyes, and then shook my head. "Sorry."

It took us only a moment to get to Howell, and when we did, I had to take a breath and brace myself. I forced my hands to be still and not shake, but my knees barely supported me. We were in Authorized Access.

The room was dark, both in lighting and in feeling. I felt sick as soon as I walked in, but I tried to hold my head high anyway. I was terrified, but I was ready to finish this.

"You think you're a big strong man, don't you?" Howell said, his voice low.

Before I could answer, his fist slammed into the side of my face and I staggered, my hands flying up to cover my head as stars exploded through my face. I could taste the blood filling up my mouth and spit it out of the floor.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance," he growled, grabbing the back of my shirt and yanking me back up to my feet. "I thought he'd come to you, but instead, you brought everyone else! You've been nothing but trouble, Joel. You're just as bad as they are."

"I'll take that as a compliment," I said with a wry smile.

"Tell me where he is, or I'll make you wish you were dead!" Howell nearly screamed.

"I don't know where Braken is. I'm sorry," I said. "I actually came to see if I could find him here. Someone told me -"

"Get him down on the floor," Howell ordered.

Two soldiers grabbed my arms and quickly pinned me on the floor. I tried to fight back, but their grips were like iron. "I swear I don't know -" I tried to say, but they knocked the breath out of me and I let out a squeal instead.

"Leo." Howell flipped open a switch blade and handed it to him. "Cut him open - preferably his wrists. I have something that will get him talking."

"I ..." Leo glanced at the knife in his hands and bit his lip nervously. "I don't ..." He hesitated again and took a deep breath. "I'm not going to -"

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