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(A/N - rated C for the trigger warnings in the second half of the chapter)

Three days passed. The longer we waited, the longer I knew Gus had to endure their torture because of me. Still, Eoin was right. My last plan was the reason he got caught. I was determined this time to have a good plan, a plan people would willingly follow. There was only one problem.

I was very distracted.

Braken wouldn't leave me alone. He always wanted to show me something, some scene he'd created with Gus's bear, some new trick he'd done with his skirt, some knick knack he'd found in the gutter - literally anything was good enough to show me. The first few times it happened, I humored him and let him show me whatever exciting thing it was this time, but after three days of constant pestering, I had had enough. It was driving me crazy.

"Braken, please, leave me alone for a minute, will you?" I snapped, unable to hold back. I was on the edge of something great, and I wasn't about to lose it now.

He flinched backward and immediately dropped his eyes, his hands quickly resting against his chest. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but of course, nothing came out but a tiny squeak. He moved to take my hand to write something, but I jerked away from his grip.

"No, Braken. I'm trying to figure this out, and you keep getting in the way!"

He flinched again at my anger, ducking his head and quickly apologizing, over and over. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I watched as his eyes filled with tears and he quickly tried to hide them, to no avail. He cringed as he glanced at me, and furiously rubbed his eyes with his hoodie sleeve, trying to hide his frustration.

"Braken ..." I said, my voice trailing off. I hated seeing him cry. He looked so small and helpless when he did. "Braken, I'm sorry." I reached my hand out, but he slapped me hard and I yelped in pain. "I didn't mean to sound like that," I said. "Do you need something?"

He signed something angrily and turned away from me, then paused and realized I didn't understand. He grabbed my wrist with surprising strength and forcefully wrote.


"You did? What is it?"

He shook his head, his mess of brown and blue hair covering his face.

"You're very stubborn, you know that?" I grumbled, and he stuck his tongue out at me. "And extremely immature," I added.

He just huffed and spun around, his skirt twirling almost dramatically.

"Sorry," I called after him, but he didn't look back.

Great. Now I had both of my Gifted friends mad at me. And Aaron was mad, too, especially once I'd told him I wanted to have everyone fight in some revolution to destroy the games. I shook my head. I couldn't let that stop me now. If I came up with a good enough plan, they'd be willing to join me, anyway.

We had to take it slow, first. Small, little things that wouldn't put anyone in immediate danger. But then it might take too long to get started, and Gus could be dead before we got to him.

We'd have to do something big, then, but still keep most of us out of danger. Something big. But what?

We couldn't flat out attack. That'd get us all killed or captured in no time. We could try a massive break out - destroy a wall in the back and get everyone out. But the close quarters would be a disadvantage for both sides, and since we were on enemy territory, that could make it worse for us.

I didn't want to hurt anyone. That was my problem. I never thought that'd be a problem. But I knew that none of these guys would want to fight if the risk was too great. They were perfectly comfortable living here.

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