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Leo immediately whirled around and backed up, his hand against his heart, and nearly knocked me over. I started to apologize to Braken, but he was unconscious again, having passed out as we were walking. Varien just stared blankly, as if nothing in the world could phase him. 

"Don't come any closer," Leo ordered, his voice shaking as he lit his hand on fire.

"Oh, Leo," Howell chuckled, almost sadly. "I liked you better when you didn't fight back."

"I bet you did," I muttered.

"And you two." The fat man turned his attention to me and Varien. "What are you doing?"

"Orders from the Refs, sir," I said quickly, attempting to imitate one of the other soldiers' voice. I was told I was a great voice imitator, and I really hoped it had worked.

He stared at me for what seemed like a lifetime, and then a slow smile spread across his face. "Ahh, that's a good trick, Rogue. I must admit, you nearly had me."

He stepped closer and I staggered back, holding Braken closer to my chest. Howell's smile seemed to pick me apart, examine my soul, and I started to shake, barely able to stand.

"Give him to me," he said.

"No," I said, turned to the side and hugging Braken closer. My heart pounded hard against my ribs, and I wondered if either of them could hear it.

Varien stepped forward, but Leo backed into him and they both fell over. In the blink of an eye, Howell seized Leo's wrist and yanked him up to his feet, gripping the back of his neck tightly to hold him in place. He cried out weakly in pain, but Howell just chuckled.

"You wouldn't want to leave me, would you?" the man murmured in his ear, still smiling sweetly.

"Don't touch him," I said, my voice cracking.

"Really? Then give the silent boy."

"No," Leo whispered, and Howell's fingers tightened on his neck, making him let out a gasp of pain.

"Give him to him," Varien hissed.

"No," I said again, squeezing Braken. The small Unnatural let out a soft sigh, nearly sliding out of my arms.

"Give him to me," Howell said, his sickly sweet smile making me nauseous. "It's either Leo or that useless boy in your arms."

"No," I repeated.

Howell looked at Leo, holding him tightly, and traced the slashes across his face, digging his fingernail into his scabbing wounds. Leo shrieked and jerked away from him, but Howell kept him still. "The clock is ticking, Rogue. Which one will it be?"

"Leave him," Varien said again.

My mind was working frantically, searching desperately for an idea. He wasn't going to let us go, even if I gave Braken up. I couldn't think of anything, so I did what was probably the worst thing I could have done.

"Here," I said, handing Braken over to Varien.

"What are you -"

Without even taking a breath, I crashed into Howell and Leo, knocking them both over. Leo yelped and Howell cursed loudly, bringing his fist up to hit me. I managed to twist out of the way and land my elbow to his face, and then Leo scrambled to his feet and slammed a fist full of fire down onto Howell's body. I tumbled over myself and jumped up to my feet, starting as Howell let out a blood-curdling scream.

Leo grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Come on," he said, his voice shaking and his face pale. His hand was hot and sweaty.

I nodded and took Braken from Varien, and then together, we took off. I forced myself to keep my eyes forward, trying to breathe steady as we ran. Finally, after Howell's screams died away, we paused to catch our breath, resting against the wall.

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