Chapter 5 Actions

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"How did you get into this room? We took many precautions to ensure no one would be capable of entering this room. I'll have to purchase another lock now, how tedious," Reiji asks and complains. I flinch at the sudden voice, I turn myself around, concealing my 'weapon' in my shirt sleeve, Yui's weapon having become useless. Looking around I see all the brothers but Shu, have come into the room.

"Don't move though, as you are my prey," commands Kanato.

"You wouldn't want us to think you're going to anything stupid like running away again would you?" teases Latio.

"Don't be so cryptic you hentai, just tell them that if they try to escape again, we'll be forced to kill them," Subaru comments annoyed at the time wasted. I flinch, at the cruel comments, that he'd so calmly say that. Laito comes near me, while Ayato moves closer to Yui, we both back up at the same time, ending up against the bookcase. As they come closer, I tense up imperceptibly, as Latio takes a knee in front of me following his brother, I jump up and stab him in the right shoulder, before dashing out of the open door. I can hear Latio, cry out in pain, I run like the devil himself was behind me, I found myself at a dead end

"Dammit," I quickly slip into the room a few feet back, and slide the door shut locking it, it appeared to be an unused guest room, the bed in a plain grey color, feeling safe enough I slide down to sit against the door, knees supporting my arms, I gasp for breath.

Yui pov

I watched my traitorous older sister attack and run away.

"Such deplorable manners," Reiji commented. Ayato continues to leer closer to me, far too close inside of my personal bubble.

"Are you ready? Sleep," I lost myself in his eyes, consciousness blacking out.

Malina Kimori, Yui's Older SisterWhere stories live. Discover now