Chapter 3 The Discovery!

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"Do continue Miss Malina," Reiji said, seeming to dare each of the other teens to interrupt once more. I roll my eyes and begin again.

"I'm Malina, as Reiji said, and that is my sister Yui Kimori," Yui stupidly waves a bit, 'idiot' I continue. "Our father Seiji Kimori of the church has sent us to this property to live and continue our schooling, but he never mentioned any attractive teens being here, so I think we'll just be on our way." I finish standing up.

"Yeah, you guys are a little weird, let's go, Malina," Yui agreed.

"It's rather rude to leave while we are trying to understand the situation don't you think?" Reiji comments showing a small amount of irritation. Before I can form an eloquent response I'm cut off by yet another new voice, 'how many are there!' behind the couch we had been sitting on, was a love seat, with a large teen sprawled comfortably across it.

"Could they be the girls 'that guy' mentioned," the new teen said in a monotone voice, his soft blonde hair was longer than any of the others, though it was hard to figure how he heard anything, as I could see earbuds in his ears. Reiji seemed annoyed at the sudden new information.

"Explain yourself, Shu," He commanded. After nearly a minute the teen, Shu, opened his eyes and said,

"That guy contacted me a few days ago, and told me we were going to be receiving a pair of girls from the church, and we are to treat them with the utmost care." He said before closing his eyes and seeming to ignore us all again.

"Oh two new toys, how exciting," devilishly commented Laito.

"He also said we aren't to kill these ones," Shu commented quickly.

"So we shall have a very long time with these girls," replied Laito.

"Don't be so obtuse, prospective brides are only temporary we all know that," snaps Ayato.

"Ugh they're more like sacrifices than brides anyway," huffs the white-haired teen.

"Brides?" Yui questioned and started to walk to our freedom, pulling me along with her, towards Laito and the door.

"Looks as though there was no confusion, after all, allow me to introduce, the eldest son Shu,: Reiji spoke, and gestured to the to tee lying on the couch, only to be ignored by him. "Next is me Reiji the second son," he gestures to himself, with a sense of self-importance. "Next are the triplets, Laito," the fedora-wearing teen smirked, "Kanato," the teddy wielding teen smiles with far too many teeth showing, "and Ayato," Ayato smirked and flashed his teeth. "Last is Subaru the youngest," Reiji finishes, Subaru rolls his eyes and huffs. Looking around I start to match names to the unique personalities.

"I still think we will be leaving," says Yui, pulling me along with her, not expecting it, I fall hard onto my knees, scraping one of them.

"Dammit Yui, you're so useless!" I admonish and move to sit down and pull up my pant leg to reveal my knee lightly bleeding, on a habit, I wipe up the blood and lick it off my finger. Looking up at Yui, surprised at her lack of response, I see her staring over my head into the room full of boys. Turning my head to see the boys, I see each has elongated eye teeth, looking like fangs. I hear Yui struggle with her shirt, only to see her pull out her hot pink crucifix.

"Stay away you, you vampires!" she commands stupidly. I roll my eyes and fix my pant leg, and watch the enticing teens responses.

"Idiot mortal, you really believe what a mortal has made up of our weakness? Silly things, like the crucifix, garlic, and running water. As if any of these silly items could harm a true immortal such as ourselves. Your stupidity infuriates me," Reiji says, getting progressively angered through his statement. Yui goes to grab her phone.

"I'm calling the cops!" she said before she realizes, that her phone was never returned to her. Ayato laughs at her, look at him I see he has still got her phone. "Hey that is my cell phone, give it back!" Yui demands.

"I rather not, as you really don't need one, I mean you have all of us to entertain you silly pancake." Ayato teases, Yui walks back towards him, to take back her phone. Subaru grabs the pink monstrosity out of Ayato's relaxed hand, looking extremely annoyed.

"Hey what are you doing with my cell phone?" Yui demands, seeming to be ignorant of Subaru's obvious anger.

"This," He said simply before crushing her phone into bits in his hand. Yui backed away back to me, in fear.

Malina Kimori, Yui's Older SisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang