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Blinking your eyes open, you felt a sharp pain in the back of your head. Grunting, you struggled to get up. Ignoring the ache of your body, pleading for you to stay still, you stood up. It was mostly dark to where you couldn't see, except for the few days of sun shining down. There you found the patch of golden flowers that you were standing on. You saw a red door way up ahead, looming with more darkness. Despite your dizziness, you decided to look up, finding a hole filled with sunshine at least three stories high. How you survived that fall even with flowers, you never knew. 

Having no choice but to walk forward, unease filled your gut. You stepped toward it slowly bracing your arms in front of you, as if you were meeting your doom; silly as it was. After what felt like a  century your hands met the red stone. You felt the roughness of the stone as you tried to find the handle to open it. You searched and searched, not willing to give up but not finding what you needed. Your head begun to swim so much that you decided it would be best to take a break. You leaned against the door heavily as if it was your best friend.

Suddenly, the door gave way causing you to fly forward on the ground with a "oomf". You laid there feeling every cell in your being scream out. You didn't go as unscathed as you previously thought you had. Not wanting to move you decided to study the dirt. It was unusually red, as if there had been blood stained into the ground. You shuddered painfully. It could be your blood next.

"Howdy!", a small squeaky tone  chirped.

Begrudgely, you pushed yourself up to look for the source of voice you had heard. As you did so, your eyes met a small yellow pedaled flower with a kind smile. His eyes were dark and curious. His leaves curled up to help you. You staggered away a bit, certainly frightened. "Who- who are you", you croaked out. Finally realizing how dry your throat was, you gulped down saliva to help sooth the ache. You leaned up a red pillar that was convienently by you. 

"Oh right, I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower. And this-", he motioned all around him. "This is the underground."

You chuckled even in the defiance of your lungs. It felt awkward, for some reason you knew this not to be a dream. In a weird sense this felt normal and expected. As if you knew this was going to happen. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but it feels as if I'm dreaming.", you confessed unsure of what you were exactly saying. You didn't want to offend the cute flower but being confused took over the need for politeness.

"Oh golly, have you never heard the tale?"

"Er what tale?" You confusion hit even further than before.

"The undertale of course!", he exclaimed baffled. "You know, where monsters and humans fought, monsters ultimately losing and being thrown under here. Becoming very resentful and started hating humans?" You stared blankly as he railed on about the story. Noticing this he added, "none of this at all?!?"

You shook your head not knowing if had or not. Maybe you did? But you couldn't be too sure about it. This all made you more confused and feeling slightly dumb. You stared at your feet as if you were a child who just got in trouble for stealing a cookie when they knew they shouldn't have. In a way, you felt almost guilty about it. As if ignorance was the worst thing you ever done.

However, Flowey soon became distracted as he claimed; "Oh goodness. I have not asked your name?"

You flushed embarrassed and stared further at your feet. "I uh... don't know", you explained shortly.

"You don't know your name?", he questioned bewildered.  You shook your head once more.

"I actually don't remember anything about me...", you trailed off feeling even more humilated and stupid than ever. 

To be Forgotten [Underfell Sans x reader]Where stories live. Discover now