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"You really worried me!", Flowey squeaked out as he tried smoothing out the petals you accidently crushed when you fell. A twinge of guilt settled in your gut, you didn't like to hurt your friends. You apologized to the small flower, but he just waved it off as if it wasn't a big deal. He went for the most part unscathed, despite the petals being somewhat bent and claimed acheness. He had not mind for he was back on your shoulder smiling away. The skeleton however had low frown and angry eyes. You wondered if you had made him upset.

The three of you had decided to all walk together down the hallway if what they called the Ruins to the nearest town, Snowdin. For the first time since the encounter of the two, they actually stopped arguing both agreeing you could'nt walk on your own due to persistent dizziness and the faint you just endured. Maybe he was upset that he had to tag along? He was busy before you barged into the house. It was probably something rather important and you stopped it all without intention. Now he had to walk you to somewhere you could stay. The house was cozy, but the skeleton proved his point that it wasn't any of theirs to let you stay there. Even for a night.

"Er I hadn't caught your name Mr. Skeleton guy?", you awkwardly question him as the red walls became a darker red. The hall way seemed forever long and changed the colors of red on the walls very suddenly. The ground crunched as the dirt hit your shoes. Eyeing the skeleton his lips (mouth hole?) curved slightly upwards. His yellow tooth glinted in the half dark of the hallway.

"Well that's the first", he simply stated. This time with no agitation but rather amusement? "What was? Being called Mr. Skeleton guy?", you replied with a smirk. He nodded his head, "yeah that." His almost smile turned into what you assume a deeper frown. Not knowing how to react you turned away. Silence filled the air between the three of you. Flowey offering no solace in this, he actually seemed as confused as you were.  You looked at your feet, your brown boots were scratched up and caked with dirt. You should not have said anything. Now you messed up everything and he probably hate your guts. Just like your boots, you tarnished the conversation. You felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Sans", he simply stated. You  looked at him confused and shocked. Why was he speaking to you? Did he not hate you? Had you been over thinking it the whole time? He sighs heavily as his frown lessened. He looked almost guilty of something as he shift awkwardly. "My name is Sans." You blinked, feeling even more embarrassed than you had not ten seconds ago.

You squirmed with uneasiness, feeling more awkward than Sans had looked. "I'm sorry", you finally whispered. Turning even darker red, you tried hiding your face with your long h/c hair. You nervously bit at your index nails. Why were you so nervous around this Sans character? It felt strange to you.

Not paying attention you kept walking deep into thought, passing Sans. "Nona! Watch out!", finally spoke the flower with a panic. You quickly looked up to find yourself inches away from the very thing you've been looking for. A door way out of this haunted hallway. The door stood 10 feet tall, red just like the rest of the place. On the door it was incrested with a symbol that felt vaguely familiar. One large triangle stood in between two smaller ones that faced downward. A circle was above the the upright triangle and wings on either side of the triangles.  Hearing Sans trying to hold back laughter, you stepped back, thanking silently for the companion on your shoulder. He had saved you from further  embarrassment.

Taking a deep breath you tried to push open the door, seeing how just like the first door you encountered; it had no handles. However hard you push, it wouldn't budge. Your breath became staggered and laborious as you kept bearing down onto the immovable source. Your vision began to blur and spots were being found. A bony hand grasped at your shoulder. Frighten you jumped back to look at the source of touch.

Sans stood there as casual as can be. He shook his head and lifted his hand that hadn't felt you. Red smoke cascaded away from his left eye as a red force field of sorts developed around the door. He moved his hand away from the three of you, opening the door simutanously.

You stood awestruck, staring at Sans as if he was the most beautiful creature you ever seen. What was that? You had to know. His cheekbones dusted with red, causing you to become more curious. "Showoff", Flowey interrupts the silly moment you two were sharing. Sans growled in agitation. "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP", He barked causing you to jump in fear. As curious as you were, you knew never to piss Sans off. He can become very scary. 

He released one more exasperated sigh and stomped off angrily. You side glanced at Flowey giving him a sour look. He recoiled with a mixture remorse and shame. Petting his head to let him know you weren't too mad, you begun to stumble forward. You just hoped you could find Sans, you wanted to get back on the right foot.
Finding yourself on the last puzzle (which Flowey did most of them), you became very excited. You still had not found the skeleton to your disappointment, it was as if he had just disappeared. You met some other disgruntled monsters on the way, each of them wanting to duel you. Flowey didn't want you to do too, however you always found a resolution to every fight. They soon became what you call an acquaintance, although you hoped to become friends with all them. Despite Flowey claiming it to be impossible. You knew it could be done, you had the faith if it.

You sat down in the could ground as you saw Flowey weave to and fro, trying to solve the difficult puzzle. Knowing it be unwise to do so, you let out a long sigh. My butt is going to get so cold, it'll be frozen. The visual of the red ruins clashed with the blue aesthetics of Snowdin. Unlike the earthy beginning, this place was covered in snow. However you never once noticed a monster playing in it, it made you a little sad. This on the other hand, gave you inspiration to start molding the snow. Softly patting the snow, you started form a ball. It wasn't much of one, but it was still yours and you were proud of it. You gave it a big smile.

"That looks like a snowball of fun", a perplexed voiced called from behind you. Not expecting it, you jumped what seemed like three feet in the air. You heard a laugh from behind you. "Awe did I scware De wittle bwaby?" The voiced teased you as you looked around to throw it at the perpetrator only to find Sans casually mocking you. He stood about two feet away from you, with hands in his pockets and shoes untied. You gave a little laugh.

"I don't suppose you came back to help us with the puzzles?"

"Nah I'm too lazy for that. Everyone knows me knows that. I just came here to make fun of ya' that's all."

"Well I guess this gives me ample time to get to know you then hmm?", you teased back the skeleton.

He flushes for small period and nods his head in agreement. "Why don't we all go to Grillby's once the weed is finished?" You stared at Sans. He seemed a bit nervous but you didn't recognize it due to your own confusion.  "Oh right, you couldn't know what that is. Er it's a dinner. With food and stuff. You eat right?" You nodded your head, your stomach growled at the thought. You flushed, hoping he hadn't heard that. How embarrassing. However if he heard or not, he certainly didn't pretend to have noting "good. C'mon he's almost finished."

Agreeing, you began to get up when the world started to sway for the umpteenth time today. Sans noticed and grabbed your arm quickly, letting you lean on him. "Woah there kid", he soothed. You felt his soft fabric of a jacket wrestle underneath you. His bones were strong but comfortable enough to stay. Closing your eyes, you heard a rhythmic waves of sound coming from him. How can that be, he doesn't have a physical heart?

Despite the comfort you were in, it was short lived from Sans pushing you off as Flowey came by, finally finishing the puzzle. "Oh good you're back", Flowey speaks to Sans. "Listen, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It was rude of-" Sans cuts him off. "Eh forget bout it. It's in the past. Let's just go, I don't think she can last for much longer."

You smiled at the two of them, they were your first friends you let down here. And you were grateful that they were. At least, you hoped they were your friends. It would be hell if it weren't.

To be Forgotten [Underfell Sans x reader]Where stories live. Discover now