Helping Hands part 2

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You look into the muggy windows of what seems to be the bar the skeleton previously mentioned. You felt Flowey's absence on your shoulder, you could imagine the flowers reaction to the dirty windows. " Why do you even want to come here? We could just go get some nice cream. At least you will know it wont be covered in dirt like these things." You smile, you knew that Flowey really cared for you. You just wished he came along, even if he was just grumpy. You would have felt more secure with him by your side. And, a little less alone.

Finally snapping out of your thoughts, you had begun to examine what was inside. You couldn't possibly go in without knowing your surroundings first. Noticeably, there was a long bar table in the far back, with stool aligned the front. In the back of the bar you could visibly see different kinds of alcohol.... and mustard? That's a little unsuspected but you just shrug it off. It wasn't your place to judge. Other than the bar there were about two round tables big enough to five or more people on the left side. On the right, were three booths. They were a lot smaller and did not hold as much monsters.

Speaking of, there were at least ten to twelve monsters in Grillby's. You could see the dog guards all around one table to the left. Doggo was smoking what you assume is a dog treat. You laugh at the sight, this sure was a weird place. Dogressa and Dogamy were Eskimo kissing each other, noting that they had told you about the upcoming compition. And a pure white huge dog in a metal armor which you have yet to meet. There were some patrons at the bar and to the very left, some of them were gambling.

To the right you saw two monsters at the very end of the booths. They seemed to be in a deep conversation, perhaps a date even. One of the monsters was a fish head detached to a snake body. It was an odd but beautiful combination. And the ither monster was a ghost with headphones. Wouldnt the headphones phase through?, you mused to yourself.

Shifting your eyes away from the possible couple, you noticed a really drunk bunny. Even its eyes seemed confused at it rested its head on the table in front of them. You felt almost bad for the bunny.

Taking a deep breath, you knew it was time. Time to go inside this bar and order food with the few g you had. Thank God for searching the couch cushions ealier. Should I even spend it? I mean its not technically mine... Your growling stomach interrupted your moral battle with yourself, making you acutely promise to pay the skeletons back. No matter what cost.

Walking in, you immediately felt the warm coziness of the aura. Monsters around you were chattering around you, so much so you decided to focus on your feet. It was almost overwhelming even though it was just a couple monsters. Nervously, you stepped forward to the bar, and sat in the red plushed stool. Suddenly a loud farting noise came from underneath you, causing everyone around you to life. You hid your face in embarrassment but silently laughed at yourself. Of course, it wasnt plushed. Figuring, it was indeed a whoopee cushion instead.

"Damnit Sans, you and your stupid ass pranks", a crackling angry scoff came from in front of you.

You looked up to see the source of the voice, and there stood a purple flame with eyes. Your eyes grew wide with amazement. This whole place was wooden, how it was not burning? You reach out to touch the flames cheeks, expecting to be burned. However, that is not what you found yourself feeling. Instead it was a warm, pure, energetic buzz between your fingers. "Uh, are you going to order or just feel up my face?", the fire questioned.You pulled back your hand, feeling awkward for the second time just today. "Oh uh sorry, I just got really curious. It wasn't my attention to weird you out." You chuckle nervously. You are a real idiot Nona, you know that? The elemental stood there impatiently, not caring for your apology. Or so you perceived, since the monster had a slight up turn of his lips(?). His flames on his head whirled around with slight amusement, a short human standing on a stool to touch his cheeks. This would have made the monster usually mad, but the human had such charm to her. Be as this may, he shrugged you off. He had a job to do afterall.

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