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What was that? How did I know the lyrics to the whole song? Why was it so important to me? Questions swirled around your mind as if it was hurricane destroying a little island. You can definitely remember the song, Waving Through A Window. But you did not know where it came from. The artist, nor from your brain. It felt fuzzy and distant. As if you could almost reach it, but some unforeseeable force stopped you. Frustration had sparked inside of you, these past few weeks you had nothing to go off of what you were like on the surface- no, who you were. But the frustration passed.

Something quelled your curiosities of who you were, just as it had everytime in the past. Something tells you that it's worth forgetting, that you are better off for it. But for what reason?

Your lips, which had became red from the snow your forced yourself to eat as means to calm down, felt rough and cracked almost as rough as your throat. Maybe you should have done something else to calm your breathing, but you were desperate after you finished your song and still couldn't breath. Funny, to sing you need breath and when you were singing you had it. But your breathlessness returned back with a vegance. Maybe you should have sang another tune but that was the only song you had remembered thus far. You shiver as you ponder on this aspect. You had to get out of the cold soon, you knew that, but it didn't stop you going slower than your usual pace. Something was pulling at your mind, dangling a tentalizing prize you couldn't quite see nor understand. It was strange, but again your mind eased itself. The pattern proving itself once again. Were you ever going to get out of this loop?

You swung open the door to gind Papyrus, Sans, and Flowey conversating in aggravated tones towards each other. Oh boy they are fighting again, guess I have to break it up? You skin started to thaw as your eyes drooped. How have you just begun to be tired? I'll just sit on the couch. Not my circus not my monkeys. A smile forms on your lips, what a funny saying.

You sat down heavily, feeling grateful for the comfort the sofa had to offer. However, none of the guys had realized your presence. Why would they? You were just gone for a few hours.


"As much as I like to agree," Sans gowled. "There's not a whole lot we can do. We don't have hard evidence. We don't even know the guy for petesake."

"But we have to do something- we just have to", Flowey states in a frustrated tone. Hmph, maybe they aren't fighting after all. This caught you in surprise. "If you weren't such a bonehead, we would be able to. But you always got to do your way Sans." Oh, well it was nice while it lasted.

"Why I outta-!"

Just as you were about to say something Papyrus beat you to it. "ENOUGH YOU TWO. WE WON'T SOLVE ANYTHING IF ALL WE DO IS BICKER AT EACH OTHER." In the most recent times, he had to come to hate verbally fighting, especially with his brother. It never stopped him lf course, since he was head guard and had a sense of duty, but you could tell he tried avoiding it as much as possible. He might never show it, but he really did care for people. Even if they got on his last nerve. "FLOWEY, SANS, STAY HERE WHILE I'LL INVESTIGATE. WE HAVE... OTHER PRESSING MATTERS TO ATTEND TO. SEE TO IT." The flower and skeleton agree with Papyrus, not wanting to fight any longer. Papyrus turns around, not even glancing your way, as he leaves the house. You sigh in relief, you didnt have to intervene this time.

"Nona, you're back?!?", the small flower caught your attention. "How long have you been sitting here? How did we not notice?"

You giggle, petting the petals on Floweys head. "Not too long, all I heard was the last portion of you guys conversation. Sorry to pry, but what investigation is Paps talking about? Something bad happen?"

"Nothing to worry about kiddo, it doesn't pertain to you", Sans chimed in as he sat directly next to you. He had smiled towards you, in a lazy sort of way. As if he was trying to comfort you.

You moved away in shock, Sans had been ignoring you since your visit with Alphys. Like as if you hadn't exsisted. So why the hell was he sitting next to you? "What do I smell or something sweetheart?" He had reached to sniff under his arms, obviously a joke jesture. You shook your head no, how could skeletons even smell, they didnt have any sweat glands.

"N-no. Just shocked is all", you managed to say. You didn't want to test your luck any further with him, who knows. One bad move and he could go straight back to ignoring you. Or worse, be at the end of the fist likd he so gladly gave to that monster back there. You bit your quivering lip, you didn't want anyone to see you were scared. Your heart raced, but you tried silencing it before it got out of control.

Sans expression of happiness and nonchalant seemed to dwindle a bit. As if you had hurt him for what you had said. But in a heartbeat it went back to a relaxed smile. If you hadn't been so close to him, you would have missed it. A twinge of guilt hit your heart. Maybe he was just trying to be friendly? But why would he do so all the sudden? You couldn't figure it out, it felt strange as almost as if a stranger was sitting right next to you. You really didn't know anything about the skeleton, admittedly. Maybe this was your chance to change that?

"Welp", Flowey interjects awkwardly "guess we should start headed that way."

"Where?", you asked in confusion.

"To the capitol", he explains. "We have a meeting with the Queen"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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