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Your teeth chatter as you finally walked in the opened door Sans had swung open for all of you not that long ago. Stepping in you hoped to find warmth in the humble house of the tough skeleton, however you found none of that. Stumbling on in you tried to find a place to sit down, you were so cold and dizzy you had forgotten to take in the sight, you just wanted to rest. Finding a nice comfy green couch on the blue carpeted room, you flopped down. Regretting it for it increased your dizziness even more than the long seeming walk. Never have you ever felt this way, or had you? Flowey's face inch towards yours with concern. You tried to wave of his worry with a simple gesture. You sure wouldn't want him of all people to worry, he has already done so much for. Him and Sans... you could never repay them. Despite this, every line on his face scrunched as he tried to tell if you were really  were  alright, not happy with just observation he opted to tap on your forehead, but a cough from a certain skeleton made him snap his petaled head. "What?", he asked with annoyance. Before Sans could respond with his usual snappy response, you tuned the squabble of the two out. You had no energy to stop them, all that you could do was look around your surroundings. How could you not notice until now where you were at? That and the walk over here, you just went to autopilot. Whatever that was to you. 

The blue carpet had met with a maroon torn painted walls, with an old version of a television against said walls. The screen was black but illuminated the light in fish bowl way. In the corner of your eyes you noticed a blank table on the far side of the building, also wedge against the enclosing room. It stood bare with only the pattern of a light brown wood style. You soon realized this house was just that, a house. There was no personal touch, no pictures, decoration, none of the such that would make a home. It felt cold just as did the air, like no one ever lived here, just slept. A twinge of sadness cascaded over you, for some reason it made you feel lonely. If this was really San's house, you could only imagine what he must feel like on a day to day bases. You caught a quick glance over to him, he was of course still arguing over god knows what with your petaled friend. You rolled your eyes, but kept a note in your head of this. It might help you understand him a bit better, and something nice you could do. 

"SANS, WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!?!", an unknown voiced screamed up, shooting fear not just in you but everyone in the room. Soon footsteps banged across the upstairs you have failed to acknowledge with examination. Your lip trembled as Sans repeated the same word "shit" over and over. Flowey decided to shrink as small as possible towards you, adorable as it was it was not enough to hide your face in your cold pink hands. You heard Sans jacket rustle as he tried to figure out what to do, which suddenly stopped right before the footsteps stopped in front of you. "H-h-hey boss, whats up?", Sans uncharacteristically squeaked out nervously. If he was afraid, then this guy must be bad. A long heavy exasperated sigh sounded.

 "Who is this?" 

"O-oh this is Flowey, you remember him don'tchu boss?"

"Sans, do you really think I'm really that dumb?"

The skeleton tried to stumble over his words, trying to find the right words. You in the meantime put your hands down from your face, feeling braver than you previously had. There stood Sans in front over you, you could tell that blush had heated up his face as he tried waving his bone hands. However, this had not caught your attention, the more giant skeleton scowling had. There stood at least six foot five bones that wore a scar across his left eye. His sharp pointed teeth did not sport a gold like one like your more familiar skeleton. He had the similar color scheme of clothing as every monster you had encountered before hand, except it seemed to be a sort of armor and a lot more leather oddly enough. Large black combat boots were strapped tightly to the monster, no wonder why you had heard his footsteps across the house. They were huge and looked overlyheavily. Despite the black and red cloths, you noticed a small gold tag with the similar symbol you found on the door in the Ruins. The words PAPYRUS, HEAD OF THE ROYAL GUARD were boldly engraved into it. This had sent your lip to tremble once more, the title sounded dangerous. What had it mean? Would he hurt you? 

"Hello human", he acknowledged you with caution as he held his hand out to shake yours. Your shaking hand took his and shook it with matching heed. 

You tried to smile at him, "Hi I'm Nona." This was enough encouragement for Sans to exhale a deep breath. and Flowey to not cower in the crook of your neck.  The tension seemed to relax the air, the three of you feeling more noticeably comfortable. 

However Papyrus was another story. He scoffs and glares at you, obvious not trusting you. "Nona you say?"  You nodded to his question anxiously, feeling every eye on you now, especially his. "How did you get here", he asked. You gulped, afraid of this certain outcome. How were to respond? You couldn't just get away with an I don't know answer, he was interrogating you. 

Flowey finally spoke up for you, "She doesn't recall any memories."

The tall skeleton glared at you to see there was truth to what the flower had stated. You felt embarrassment creep into you as a you tried hiding your face, ashamed you could not even do the simple task of remembering. Gazing at the blue carpet, your cheeks flushed.  "Sans, is there anything else wrong with this human?" Surprise flung your head up to analyze Papyrus once more. Disbelief widened in your eyes, he had believed you just so? He was kinder than what he had let on, in fact every monster was that way.

"She uh fainted and became weaker as we walked here from the Ruins", he responded in professional way. 

He nodded as he placed his hand on his chin, as if he was in deep thought at the moment. Stomping his foot as he did so. "So you were the friendly human that was spotted in Snowdin my sentries reported to me, that makes sense. Sans have you called Alphys yet? She is the only monster who has enough knowledge of how humans work?"

"Not yet Boss, we just got here. But I'm on it."

"Right, go do that." Sans nodded and left to walk into the next room, as he took his phone out to scroll to find the contact. "Human, I mean Nona, lay down on this couch as Flowey go fetches you some water." Flowey opened his mouth to protest but quickly thought the better of it as Papyrus scowled at him. He then unattached himself off of your shoulder as he slithered stage left into the room Sans had just left to. You assumed that must be where the kitchen was, seeing that was the only possible explanation. Otherwise it would have been the bathroom, and that was a bit weird for two people to be in. 

Papyrus cleared his throat, noting you were the only one who hasn't  obeyed his orders, but not outright saying it. You hit your forehead mentally as you finally lay down, sighing with comfort. "Alright good, everything is in order. Now Nona, let me properly inform you of this system. I am head of the Royal guard. Which means I am here to protect not only the queen but the citizens of the underground. I have failed my job once but not ever again. You are now a citizen here until you decide otherwise. Do not fear any of the monsters. We used use that, feed off of it, however things have changed recently. But do not in any circumstance let that allow you to be uncontrolled by fear, we are still monsters after all."

The last of his sentence chilled you to your very core but you nodded, taking his advice seriously. "Hey Papyrus?", you called. He hummed in response, ready for whatever may come.

"Thank you."

Hello my readers!

I am so sorry it took me so long to update, I had finals in college and this pestering thing called depression. So while being busy I was also lacking enough energy to do something I love, which is to write!

I hope you guys have enjoyed this! I work really hard to make it interesting and worthwhile.

Alright I will let you go my amigos.


Kimkat ^-^

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