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IT SUDDENLY felt like his own ears were shut close. The terrible fire ate the whole apartment and until now, he didn't know what was the cause of it. There were rumors that the blaze started in their unit until it crawled throughout the building.

Firetruck didn't make it in there, so it needed helicopters to sprinkle large amount of water down the dwelling before the inferno takes the whole surroundings.

The sun was going below the horizon, as well as his mind, and it began gloaming; Jack hadn't still recovered. When would be?

"Jeannie. . . my poor Jeannie. . ." he muttered when his throat began trembling again for the upcoming waves of emotions.

The sound around him became like a fog. His visions were unclear. Jack could see policemen who were coming out with dead bodies on a sling, and it totally narrowed his chest to think that one of those human forms, was Jeannie's.

Legs like jelly lifted him to stand, and from there, he stared at the skeleton of the building. Every bodies that were being ejected were perfectly checked by the grieving husband. He didn't want to believe that his beloved wife was already gone. Walking a little closer, the  last body was finally retreated. When he asked to see who it was, Jack pulled the cover up a little, and he had known that it wasn't Jeannie. Fat hand which skin was melted down to the bone made his stomach turn.

Still, he interfered despite of having cautions.

"I just need to know who did this. . ." His brows met together as his fingers clenched into a ball. Jack's lips quivered when his bloodshot eyes turned even more red as if all the emotions he was trying to hold were all stuck in the sockets.

He continued walking, walking around the somber place until the voices had vanished; until he was all alone.

And what made his heart shatter in million pieces was when the figure of a woman slumped at the corner with a half-burned body appeared. Running toward her, Jack immediately held her and kissed her.

"I'm home," he whispered, voice trembling. His bony fingers travelled down to her baby-bump, then to her face. "You're so cold, Jeannie."

Jack lifted her in a bridal style though her normal weight became like a boulder. They even fell to the ground but he managed to carry his dead wife with all of his tiny strength.

Looking around if someone would notice, luckily, a small exiting pathway came into view, then he drifted into it without hesitations— away from everyone else.

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