Chapter 71

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Michael wasn't talking to me, and that was bad. He wasn't sullen, like Justin got from time to time; he was just thoughtful. That made the drive uneasily quiet. It was fully dark out, not that I could see through the window tinting anyway.

The world didn't seem real to me anymore, and my head ached.

"This is the deal you made with Amelie," Michael said. "To work for him."

"No. I made the deal with Amelie, then she told me to work for him. Or learn from him."

"Is there a difference?"

I smiled. "Yeah. I don't get paid."

"Brilliant plan, genius. Is anybody paying you?"

Actually, I had no idea. The thought hadn't occurred to me, to ask Amelie for money. Was that normal, to get paid for a thing like this? I supposed it was, if I was supposed to risk my life with Myrnin on a regular basis. "I'll ask," I offered.

"No," Michael said grimly. "I'll ask. I want to talk to Amelie about this whole thing anyway."

"Don't get all older-brother on me, Michael. It's not safe. You may be one of them now, but you're not -- "

" -- one of them? Yeah, I know that. But you're way too young for this, Ana, and you don't know what you're doing. You didn't grow up in this town, you don't understand the risks."

"What, death? I understand that one pretty well already." I was feeling tired and achy, but also strangely annoyed with Michael's protectiveness. "Look, I'm fine, okay? Besides, I learned a lot today. She'll be happy, trust me."

"Amelie's mood isn't what bothers me," Michael said. "It's you. You're changing, Ana."

I looked straight at him. "Like you haven't?"

"Cheap shot."

"You made the choice."

"Yeah, I made the choice, and it was the only one I could make. Look, I'm sick of having to tiptoe around Justin. Don't make me do it with you, too." Ah, now Michael was annoyed too. Great.

"Tell you what? I'll stop nagging you about your life if you'll stay out of mine. You're not my brother, you're not my dad -- "

"No," he interrupted. "I'm the guy who says if you get to stay in the house."

He wouldn't. He wouldn't. "Michael -- "

"You made a deal with Amelie without talking to anyone, and then you covered it up. Look, the only reason you even came clean was because I saw the bracelet. If I hadn't you'd still be lying to us. That doesn't exactly make you the ideal housemate." Michael paused for a second. "And then there's Justin."

"How am I to blame for Justin?"

"You're not. But I can't deal with both of you, not now. So just straighten up, Ana. No more lying, and no more risk-taking, all right? I'll convince Amelie to let you out of these sessions with Myrnin. You're too young to be doing this, she ought to know that."

No more lying. No more risk-taking. I shifted and felt the bottle in my pocket, and had a flash of that perfect clarity again. I wondered what Michael would have to say about me letting Myrnin give me the crystals. Probably nothing. He was talking about throwing me out of the house, right? So he probably didn't care at all.

The car slowed and turned, bumped down a rutted drive. Home.

I bolted before Michael could say anything else to her.

Justin was in the kitchen, pouring himself a beer. He toasted me silently, took a sip and nodded toward a pot on the stove. "Chili," he said. "Extra garlic."

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