Chapter 113

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Amelie was sitting up when I arrived, escorted in by Richard Morrell, who was instantly pounced on by his sister and father for hugs and information. She didn't look good, but she looked alive.

Sort of.

I didn't have any sympathy for her.

"Myrnin," I said. "You used him."

Sam, sitting on the arm of Amelie's chair, frowned at me. "Don't. She's very tired."

"Yeah, well, we've all got problems." I shook off Michael's hand, too. "Bishop's blood is the cure. You and Myrnin were right."

Amelie's expression didn't change. She looked cold, remote, unreachable.

All of a sudden, I felt a wild urge to hurt her. Badly.

So I did.

"Bishop's there," I said. "He's got Myrnin."

Amelie's eyes focused on mine, and all of my fury melted away. "I know," Amelie said. "I can feel it. We knew it was a risk, using Myrnin as a stalking horse, but something had to be done."

"You can't leave him there. You can't."

Amelie sighed. "No," she agreed. "I can't. I still need Myrnin, very much. It's far too early in the game to sacrifice him."

I swallowed hard. "Do we mean anything to you? Any of us?"

Amelie looked around the room. At the humans, all wearing purple elastic bandages at their elbows, the sign they'd given blood to save her. At the other vampires, all waiting for commands.

"You mean everything to me," she said. "The survival of my people, and yours, is all I have ever wanted, Ana. It's why I came here. It's all I've worked for." Her eyes grew chilly, and some of the old Amelie came back. "I would sacrifice Myrnin for it. Oliver. Sam. Even myself. But it's not enough."

Everyone in the room was still. Justin moved up next to me, and I was aware of Eve and Michael just behind me.

But Amelie was staring right at me.

"What will you sacrifice, Ana?" she asked. "To win?"

"It's not a game," I said.

Amelie inclined her head. "True. It is war. And now we have to fight for all of our lives."

I linked hands with my friends.

"Then tell us what to do."

Amelie was quiet for a moment, and then she stood. I thought that only those who knew her, really knew her, could tell what that cost.

She raised her voice to carry to every part of the room.

"Our forces must be split," she said. "We must not lose the Founder Houses, the Bloodmobile, the university, and Common Grounds. We will hold. Those who follow Bishop have been promised the freedom to hunt. Those of us who are strong enough will deny them that right. Those who are prey will be armed to defend themselves. This is not optional. All humans will be armed and taught how to strike a vampire."

"There's no going back from that," Oliver said. His voice was neutral. His expression wasn't. "You're giving them too much."

"I'm giving them equality," Amelie said. "Do you wish to argue the point with me now, of all times?"

Oliver, after a heart-stopping second, shook his head.

"Then go," Amelie said. "Oliver, Eve, go to Common Grounds and hold it. Sam, choose defenders for each Founder House. At least two vampires and two humans per house. Michael, Richard - go to the university. I will call the regent - you'll have all you need."

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