Klaus Mikaelson (TVD)

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A = Aftercare

Klaus just pulls you into him

B = Body part

Klaus loves your chest, he loves when you let him kiss and touch your chest. Klaus loves his own chest to, especially when you kiss his tattoo

C = Cum

Klaus likes cumming on your chest

D = Dirtysecret

Klaus would love to have you near his brother's rooms because then they would hear how good he makes you feel

E = Experience

He's over a thousand years old of course he has a lot of experience

F = Favorite position

Edge of Heaven

G = Goofy

Not many goofy moments when you to are having sex/making love but after sometimes

H = Hair

He's well groomed ;)

I = Intimacy

It's almost always very inmate between you to

J = Jackoff

He doesn't have to know that he has you

K = Kink

Probably a 24/7 thing at least he tries, (your stubborn)

L = Location

Almost anywhere

M = Motivation

You tease him he teases you, your smile

N = No

Nothing you're not ok with

O = Oral

He loves when you give him head you are talented with your tongue, he loves to finger you to, eating you out is one of his favorite things to do but he is more or a receiver

P = Pace

This is Klaus guys unless he feels emotional its gonna be rough and fast

Q = Quickie


R = Risk

You both took a lot of risks but there are fewer risks now that you're a vampire as well

S = Stamina

He doesn't really lose energy and now neither do you now so it can last all day and many many rounds

T = Toy

Many that's all I will say, to many sometimes

U = Unfair

The teasing can happen in front of anyone

V = Volume

Klaus can be loud and he actually can be louder than you when you make him feel really good

W = Wildcard

(gif at the top)

X = X-Ray

Exactly what you would expect

Y = Yearning

Like a 9 out of 10

Z = ZZz

He stays up hours after to watch you sleep and sometimes even paints you

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