Scott McCall (Teen Wolf)

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A = Aftercare

Scott kisses you and cleans you up

B = Body part

Your neck he loves coming up behind you and kissing it and making hickeys. Scott likes his arms and even more after the tattoo.

C = Cum

Scott shockingly likes to cum on your thighs

D = Dirty secret

He wants to have you in Stiles jeep but you and Stiles would most likely say no since you both are brother and sister and love that car

E = Experience

Scott has experience you both had been with the same amount of people

F = Favourite position

Hit the spot

G = Goofy

You both have moments but usually, they are after

H = Hair

Matches whats on top

I = Intimacy


J = Jackoff

You sometimes tease him to the point where he has to

K = Kink

Definitely Alpha kink

L = Location

Mainly his room because his mother is gone a lot but you have done it in the locker room before

M = Motivation

Your smile and teasing he can't help but be motivated

N = No

Not in front of Stiles, not after he threatened Scott the same way he did Ethan

O = Oral

It's kinda equal he loves receiving and giving.

P = Pace

Usually soft and slow you both like enjoying it

Q = Quickie

A good majority considering supernatural problems

R = Risk

When he goes all Alpha it can be dangerous, even more so if he is jealous

S = Stamina

Scott can go about 2 rounds but he stretches it out to last a long time

T = Toy

Let's just say that Scott never gave the Sheriff back a pair of handcuffs they somehow 'dissapeared'

U = Unfair

He likes to tease you in front of your brother

V = Volume

Scott groans acausally

W = Wildcard

(gif at top)

(sorry not sorry I had to)

X = X-Ray

Scott is a little bigger than most

Y = Yearning

Scott is a 6 out of 10

Z = ZZz

Scott falls asleep almost at the same time you do

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