Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf)

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A = Aftercare

Isaac cleans you both up and lotions any marks he made and cuddles

B = Body part

Isaac is proud of his arms he doesn't look that buff but he his buff, he loves wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. He loves your hips, grabbing, pulling them.

C = Cum

Isaac likes to cum on your stomach or thighs if not in you

D = Dirty secret

He loves when you ride him because he can kiss all over your chest

E = Experience

Isaac doesn't really have any, but he learns really fast ;)

F = Favorite position

" The should stand ", lap love, etc. . .

G = Goofy

You both have goofy moments

H = Hair

Isaac grooms

I = Intimacy

Very very inmate

J = Jackoff

If you tease him in school suddenly he asked to go to the bathroom and well he fixes himself in there

K = Kink

Some bondage and would like to try "daddy" and "sir"

L = Location

His room, your room

M = Motivation

To make you feel more loved than he already makes you feel

N = No

If your not into it then its a no, some kinks are no's for both of you

O = Oral

He loves eating you out and tasting you plus fingering you, he loves when you give him head and sometimes you even keep eye contact

P = Pace

You guys can go sweet and slow, but you both also go rough and fast

Q = Quickie

You guys don't really have many quickies, Isaac and you both like to be able to have time to please the other

R = Risk

You guys have done it at school a couple of times and you have teased and touched each other in front of the pack before

S = Stamina

Isaac can do 3 rounds and it can last for hours

T = Toy

handcuffs, rope (sometimes), vibrator, etc ...

U = Unfair

Isaac likes to tease you all the time pack meetings, school you name it

V = Volume

Isaac can be loud just you both have to make sure your alone but even when your both quite noises come out

W =Wildcard

X = X-ray

Kinda long and kinda thick, you weren't expecting it when you first saw him but god damn

Y = Yearning

Isaac is in between high and normal

Z = Zzz

like 15 minutes after you, he likes to trace the words i love you up and down your back soothing you to sleep.

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