Allison Argent (GirlxBoy / Teen Wolf)

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(ok so the request is for Allison, i don't know if you want her to be girl x girl or girl x boy, so I'm gonna do girl x boy,)

A = Aftercare

You both make sure the other is ok

B = Body part

Allison loves your biceps, and she is proud of her legs

C = Cum

Allison likes cumming on your fingers

D = Dirty secret

She would like to try a threesome but is nervous to ask

E = Experience

Allison has experience with Scott and Isaac, so some

F = Favorite position

Allison loves to ride you

G = Goofy

You both have funny moments where you both laugh but try to stay serious

H = Hair

Allison trims down there sometimes

I = Intimacy

Like an 8 out of 10

J = Jackoff

(so this one doesn't really apply to a girl so let's go with masturbating) she will to turn you on

K = Kink

Allison likes a couple of kinks but not many

L = Location

Sometimes school, usually in your of her room

M = Motivation

When she sees you working out it turns her on and basically just your smile

N = No

If your not into the kink or whatever she wants to try out then its a no and she understands

O = Oral

Allison loves when you eat her out the feeling of your tongue licking her down there is amazing, she loves giving you head and keeping focused on things to make you go crazy

P = Pace

Usually in between fast and slow

Q = Quickie

You have quickies when you can

R = Risk

Doing it in school, teasing in front of pack

S = Stamina

Allison can go 2 almost 3

T = Toy

Vibrators, rope

U = Unfair

Teasing during pack meetings and having to stop because she was just teasing you

V = Volume

Allison is a loud and has trouble staying quite

W = Wildcard

(gif at top)

X = X-ray

(i don't know how this would apply to a girl so let's go with-) her boobs aren't the biggest but you still have fun

Y = Yearning

Allison has somewhat high yearning for you

Z = Zzz

She falls asleep before you do

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