☃Chapter 4☃️

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Loud music blared in Farren's ears and she bolted up in bed. 'Heart Attack' was blasting from her phone, she moved her messy coffee brown hair to one side of her head, putting the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" She called into the phone, not knowing who spoke on the other end, her eyes were slightly matted together with eye goop from the previous night's sleep her potent breath streaming into her nose.

"Farren, where in the world are you?" Farren's brother Jacob spluttered, his voice coming through loud and clear.

"The roads are blocked, I am at the Parker's house."

"Elliot's house?"

"Yes, because Elliot owns a house." She mocked clearly not happy to have been woken so early."Wait... you are at your crushes residence?" He screamed through the phone, the volume echoing so loud Farren pulled the phone away from her ear.

"Farren breakfast is re-" Little Thomas peered into the room as the volume boomed into his ears, "Ow," he cradled his hands over his small slightly pink ears before scurrying down the stairs.

"Oh my gosh Jacob, it's way too early for this!" she hung up on her brother, prancing to the kitchen close behind Thomas.
"Mom!" Thomas ran around upstairs looking for his mother as Farren watched him from the couch.

"Sweetheart what is it, I'm in the kitchen." She called back, and he raced down the stairs still wearing his pajamas.

"Mama, what is a crush?" He spoke his eyes filled with curiosity from the conversation he had previously heard.

Marilyn's eyes widened and she nervously looked around.

"A crush Thomas, is a person you like." She took a sip of her coffee.

"So a friend?" He furrowed his eyebrows very confused.

"No it's when you like someone as more than just a friend Thomas, when you want to be boyfriend/ girlfriend. Like Elliot and Lilly." She put a hand on the boys shoulder before starting upstairs to get the others for breakfast.

'I hate this day. This day is the worst day.' Farren was practically crying in her mind.

Thomas sat at the table looking down at his waffles and sneaking glances at Farren every once in a while.

"Yes?" She asked him her grey brown eyes looking into his blue ones.

"Nothing." He said quickly, stuffing a waffle in his mouth and looking around.

"Thomas! Don't eat your food without the family!" His mother grabbed his plate while his brother and father trudged down the stairs sleepily.

'How does he look like a flipping model in the morning!' Farren quickly glanced at Elliot before looking at the table.

Elliot was dressed in long red flannel pajamas, his messy brown hair was disheveled, and his blue eyes more stunning than ever.

"Good morning!" Daniel spoke in the most awake voice you could think of.

"Was that your ring tone this morning?" Elliot asked yawning, before taking a seat next to Farren.

"Uh... yeah sorry my brother called." Farren couldn't help but feel really embarrassed from what her brother had said to her this morning.

"So what's your brother's name?" Elliot asked.

"Jacob." Farren replied as her stomach growled. She went to make herself a plate but Marilyn made her sit back down. Moms are always so mother-ish, Farren thought to herself taling a bite of pancakes that Marilyn had handes to her.

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