Chapter 19

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"No stop it.. AHH, Elliot! Put me down," Farren screeched being woken up and twirled around was a very strange feeling, one she did not enjoy.

"Okay, okay," Elliot laughed setting her down with a smooth smile.

She slapped him lightly before pecking his cheek and looking for a hoodie.

"Take your hoodie off."

Elliot was taken aback, "this one?"

"Yes the one you're wearing, give it to me."

Elliot shrugged pulling the hoodie off his head and handing it to Farren, who grabbed it and turned around quickly.

"What are you doing?"

"You didn't say you were shirtless!"

"You didn't ask?"

Farren threw a blanket at him telling him to 'cover up' as she put on the hoodie over her shirt, leaving her pajama bottoms on. She turned around letting out a snort because the blanket she handed to Elliot was wrapped around his hair like a towel.


Elliot interrupted her by flipping the blanket like hair walking out of the room and closing the door behind him, she stared confused but then shook it off going down to get breakfast... just a normal day in the Parker household.

"I am the best airplane flyer there ever was, " Thomas shouted jumping off the couch, "Landed safely."

Farren looked at the sheet tied around his neck, the pair of underwear wrapped around his head, and the pair of swimming goggles wrapped around his head.


Farren and Elliot clapped dramatically feeding Thomas's ego as he bowed.

"Ok everyone your mother has readied the food who will set the table," The boys father asked.

"I will!"

Elliot and Farren matched gazes, giggling because they had spoken at the same time.

"I've got this," Farren spoke going to grab the plates and other silverware.

Thomas cheerfully skipped down the stairs looking determined for a meal.

"Thomas, make sure you wash your hands before we eat, " Marilyn spoke sternly.

Thomas groaned and walked with Elliot to wash his hands.

"Your family is really something," Farren smiled.

"A whole handful," David chuckled from behind his newspaper.

"Sweetheart did you here in a couple days the snow will be melting?"

Farren dropped the dish she was holding out of shock immediately jumping back, " I am so sorry!"

Elliot rushed over to help, "Did you hurt yourself?"

"No I- Ah I am so sorry," Farren tripped over her own words.

"It's okay," Elliot spoke examining her hands to make sure nothing was cut before he picked up the shattered pieces.

Farren sat frozen looking at the pieces she dropped and feeling the same , broken. The entire time she had been at the Parker house she wanted nothing more than to go home and escape, but now she finally felt like this was her home too. To think that she could be going home next week was too much.

"Farren," Elliot shook her lightly and she snapped her head up meeting his eyes.

"Sorry," she spoke lightly.

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